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Hong long have you been collecting shells(A)
Ⅰ.Complete the following words we’ve learned in this unit.
_oll_ _t sh_ll s_ve_al c_mm_n
p_l_te _il_age p_ _ti_ul_ _ly
Ⅱ.Look at the following pictures and complete the dialogue.
1.A: Hi, there. When did you start _____________?
B: At nine o’clock.
A: So you’ve _____________ skating for …
B: I’ve been skating for five hours.
A: Your fee will _____________ ten yuan.
2.A. When _____________ you start studying English?
B: In 1997.
A: So you have been _____________English since 1997.
B: Yes. I have been studying _____________ for seven years.
3.A: What do you _____________ ?
B: I collect _____________.
A: How long have you been _____________ stamps?
B: I have been collecting stamps _____________ I was a child.
A: You are great.
B: Thank you.
Ⅲ.Match the words with the pictures. 将词与图画搭配起来。
1.pair______________ 2.polite________________
4.collector___________ 5.inline_________________
Ⅳ.Complete the sentence with the correct verb or time phrase. 选词填空。
will he be/have you been/since he was three/did you/have you/three years ago
1.Lukas started collecting_____________.
2.How long _____________collected records?
3.How long _____________buying early Elvis albums?
4.Mark’s been collecting _____________.
5.By the way, _____________start guitar lessons?
Ⅴ.Match the responses with the 。
Responses Match
1.She collects sea shells.
2.Because she loves the pretty colors.
3.She’s been collecting for three years.
4.Yes, she would.
5.She’d like to collect rare stamps.
(a) Would she like to collect anything else?
(b) Does Gabriella have a hobby now?
(c) What else would she like to collect?
(d) Why does she do it?
(e) How long has she been collecting?
Ⅵ.Look at the pictures and complete the article. 看图完成下列短文。
Meals are more important than just eating food. They are social occasions and are sometimes business occasions as w________. It is d _________to know how to deal w___________ every food but a good tip is to f___________ your host. In a formal western meal, it might be uncommon to have a variety of forks and spoons beside the plate. If you are not sure, simple wait until someone else starts and follow their e__________. H________, sometimes this is not the best a________. Once, the King of England had a dinner party for twenty g__________. After the meal, c__________ was served at the table. The King took his coffee cup off the saucer and his twenty guests followed his example. He then poured some cream into the saucer and his guests did the same. However, he then put the saucer on the floor…he was merely giving a treat for his d_____________.
How long have you been collecting shells?(B)
1.His hobby is _____ _____(收集) stamps.
2.Mr Liu _____ _____ _____(对……感兴趣) making kites.
3.I’ll _____ _____ _____(尽力) to help you with your English.
4.He _____ _____ _____(用尽) his strength to save the boy out of the water.
5.Let’s _____ (共用) my umbrella if you don’t bring yours.
Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.
1.He has worked in the factory _____ five years ago.
A. for B. at C. since D. about
2.The teacher told me the students _____ to see a new film yesterday.
A. have been to B. have gone to
C. will go D. went
3.The man lost his money. But he _____ about it.
A. not try to worry B. tried not to worry
C. don’t try to worry D. tried to not worry
4.Do you still remember _____?
A. that he said B. what he said
C. did he say that D. what did he say
5.We can’t live _____ air or water.
A. with B. no C. haven’t D. without
Ⅲ.Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs in the brackets.
1.—I _____ (buy) a beautiful pen.
—When _____ you _____ (buy) it?
2.He _____( not post) the letter for me? It is still on his desk.
3.While the Reads _____ (have) supper, the bell rang.
4.He _____ (fall) off the bike last week, so he _____ (feel) terrible.
5.He _____ (ride) his bike this time yesterday.
6.He _____ (look for) his lost brother these years.
7.—What have you done with the apples?
—We have just _____ (eat) them.
Ⅳ.Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.
Li Fang: Hi, Wang Hai! It’s a long time since we met last. (1)_____
Wang Hai: I’ve been to Kunming with my friends.
Li: (2) _____
Wang: Yes, of course. And we saw many kinds of flowers there. (3) _____
Li: Did you meet any foreign visitors?
Wang: Yes, a lot. And I talked with some of them.
Li: (4) _____
Wang: They said we were very friendly.
Li: (5) _____
Wang: The delicious food and the places of interest.
A. What did they say about Chinese people?
B. You’ve just come back, haven’t you?
C. Did you have a good journey?
D. What did they like best about China?
E. Where have you been?
F. There were many foreigners, too.
G. All of them were very beautiful.
Ⅴ. Choose the best answer after reading the ad.
Welcome to the zoo
Days Open: Monday to Friday Fees:
10: 00 am~6: 00 pm Adults: $
Saturday to Sunday Ages 8~14: $
8: 00 am~8: 00 pm Ages 15~18: $ Under 8: Free
Try our Train Ride for $ per person!
1.The zoo opens _____ days a week.
A. one B. two C. five D. seven
2.If you are 13 years old, how much do you pay to go to the zoo?
A. $3 B. $6 C. $8 D. Free
3.Kate is 12, and his little sister is 6, they have to pay _____ to go to the zoo.
A. $9 B. $11 C. $6 D. $3
4.On Sunday, the zoo opens at _____.
A. 10: 00 in the morning B. 8: 00 in the morning
C. 6: 00 in the afternoon D. 8: 00 in the afternoon
How long have you been collecting shells? (C)
1.I’ll do my _____(well) to learn English well.
2.He has saved a lot of people’s _____(life)since he became a doctor.
3.The dog has been _____(die)for two hours.
4.What does Mr King say about _____(travel)to China?
5.We _____(shall)listen to the teacher carefully in class.
Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.
1.Tom _____ the exam, reaching the top of place in most subjects.
A. was good at B. did well in
C. failed D. was weak on
2.The worker has lived here for twenty years.
A. since twenty years ago B. since he came here
C. twenty years ago D. twenty years before
3.It’s raining heavily. Who’s _____ my umbrella?
A. brought B. got C. taken D. carried
4.Mr Wang isn’t here. I hear _____ Beijing.
A. that he has gone to B. that he has been to
C. he went D. he will go
Ⅲ.Complete the dialogue.
Tim: Hi, Ann! Are you going to school?
Ann: Hi, Tim! I’m going to the post office. I _____ (send) a letter to Bob.
Tim: _____ you _____ (hear) from him lately?
Ann: Yes, I _____ (get) a letter from him the day before yesterday.
Tim: How is he getting on?
Ann: Very well. He’s been traveling. He _____ (be) to France, Germany and Spain.
Tim: How lucky he is! Where is he now?
Ann: He _____ (go) to England.
Tim: _____ he _____ (be) there before?
Ann: Yes. His mother is from London. He _____ (be) born there.
Tim: I see. I _____ (hear) London is very beautiful. I _____ (go) there on holiday with my family soon.
Ann: Really? I hope you _____ (enjoy) your trip.
Ⅳ. Reading.
Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poisonous chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.
In the United States men have hearts diseases more often than women do. Doctors say heart disease and some other diseases have something to do with the pressure. Perhaps men suffer more from these diseases because they do not cry enough. And it is possible that as more and more women work outside their home, they will also suffer from more pressures. Then everyone will need to cry more.
1.Chemists are trying to understand _____.
A. how many kinds of tears the body makes
B. why people cry
C. the diseases in a modern society
D. why men have heart diseases more than women
2.What is happening now? ( )
A. More women are now working outside their homes.
B. More men than women are now crying.
C. The poison found in the tears is killing more and more people.
D. Heart diseases are on the rise.
3.Why do people cry? ( )
A. They can get rid of the poison produced by strong feelings.
B. For no reason at all.
C. They cry when someone they know dies from a heart disease.
D. People cry because they have to work outside their homes.
4.Heart disease and other diseases have something to do with _____.
A. chemicals B. crying
C. pressure D. tears
5.Men have heart disease more often than women because _____.
A. there’s something special in the man’s body
B. men suffer more from their work than women do
C. men have to work outside their homes
D. there’s no poison in women’s tears
Hong long have you been collecting shells(D)
Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers. 单项选择填空。
1.The students camped _____________the whole summer vacation.
A. in B. on C. for D. during
2.It is two years _____________ we came here.
A. for B. since C. in D. at
3.He handed me _____________ trousers.
A. a new set of B. a new pair of
C. a piece of new D. a pair of new
4.We have ________ wine of Scotland. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.
A. run off B. run away with
C. run down D. run out of
5.There is no _____________for you.
A. room B. rooms C. sit D. space
6.His work is better than _____________ in the class.
A. anyone’s else B. anyone else’s
C. anyone else D. anyone’s else’s
7._____________ the way, have you seen John lately?
A. On B. In C. By D. To
8.I really don’t know he is not _____________ in this.
A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interested
9.This is the best _____________ to learn English.
A. way B. road C. journey D. trip
10.We’ll do _____________ best to do the work.
A. my B. I C. our D. we
11.These color don’t _____________.
A. get together B. go together
C. work together D. all together
12.The three travelers were all tired after a few days of non-stop riding on horseback, so they found a village _____________ they decided to stay there for the night.
A. theatre B. café C. hospital D. inn
13.This is a story that has a _____________of the sea.
A. attitude B. sight C. flavor D. flavors
14.I _____________ him before. But my friends _____________ him two days ago.