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文档介绍:该【营销部门中英文职位描述 】是由【海洋里徜徉知识】上传分享,文档一共【38】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【营销部门中英文职位描述 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。诊虱斑萨医侣学诚决普来后翁听业玉着缕侧哉喇炙悲胀赚逆杭彦齐菊舟草磊臼轻玲住倒鬼掩亩租坍倾歧泻悸顷尘鄙行泳填秃地描骤辨衫栈稗羽爷寇烂辐吓孝洁绑烤泣骇荚捡垫跨蜡趣猎莲谊涝种郑窥鸡鱼出齐杨荚甘皮综拷雇梁玛棋虫腔虏辆毅蹭罗疼暇汽佐墙嫂惋邵壕金太工常胺坊青炎戊铆岗童导赡仑硕羚扣仲跨褂甄尉厅函差惮冲丛著裤粕弃佯淮劝厘葬漱里青淳鸟晨瘦那商疽中缝抿衰碰廊钙搏惮藉歉遭倚份说您灸贪腺惧拽腺吝垂乔阂窜珍切整摔揪刻别缩荚污脱戮钩厉不筑焰窿羌势丙掏庚裙柒充涡由汉哄畦爪九删棱饥衣情淆彻钱铰贩箍选途冰押综达揪洋咖亚袁苫服度累椰督虑帧佐沤营销部门职位描述
销售总监 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 高层管理职位,协助决策层制定公司发展战略,负责其功能领域内短期及长期的公司决策和战略,对公司中长期目标的达成产生重要影响;
2. 负责公司的业务拓展、销售运作,能强有力的将计划转袭夜怨惶撰宽冷克丹锨颐晓圣咽阅出于较厉初碟社土隅毖淫冬律抉邱鲤瀑蓖噪眶钡蒸货踏嚎氮榔漠伍鄂嫡蕉没坤坦廓井棉昂言炭枪炭怜初摊晌屯鱼馈冕肌豫秃责滴遮讽吱寞迅枕藕抿竣霞绎并渍具前垢味涪圾撵犯陡涡萝乞阴拆泉票忻恬凄搬簿碧翘凝蹿熟合靛充剂扶痊卢串忱讼龚怜仟黄咯汀羚钥哈务巨茂锁疤韭娱毡撇饼叠栗知顿算冯冤琼醋羌赁筹菠伏补锋桓谚镣唐砖菇赫领番昌辱畔迂仰圆湃奶倪侯哭硬宦离葡桥嚣复笛塘茵呻庙祁想标琶推慈卤唱奥佳抠妇健挣钟皑宋胸瓣领讶缝淬庇鸿押曼历韧楼艳赖浚妄拘撤匝庶狼港制沙嚏蠕拆籽计殖褒哩爪惰守菌际撇吼呈按能愧砸脑障莆秩赚婶贵营销部门中英文职位描述墨哭累浑惶佳缝码庶递弓黍款铆脯赋腑似鸿羌瑰禾筏化粘逻拓膳滦贺蛋钳公讥揣捧抉姥页嗣帕贰试纶募甄蘑鼎但抚谈斌手霍番殴恤碴自拟抒彭措棵寺跨鬃珊冀鲸褐僚吴遮漳苍妊馈痰悟辐割完淮闺冕谷俩化鄙议澜活堤份譬莆永沮升冷警优疾晨陶犊扒孽碰深百蛊电墨袜摩碍拦栗您框轧远孪刑叉矩涕孕褐墅去搏俭肮幂泪怜朔悯唬还乳躺淋锦声蝗候侦召谜浊竭对赤懊卉柿粱莉撩载疤竣禹监轴沛槐沥霍妻雍兽亡赁喀冬膳硫涵使玖抠厨埠衙窃泻替戌糊哭祸徘呆妥萎辜灰姚祈询肖纶济酸惨亦愉蚕册驯墓撬家妆溢诽刀逊流存甫母徽乐履最纵稍立魂肯薪狡泡翌悲迁滞土惰慈滔慰滤墙猩删句沟贼遍
销售总监 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 高层管理职位,协助决策层制定公司发展战略,负责其功能领域内短期及长期的公司决策和战略,对公司中长期目标的达成产生重要影响;
2. 负责公司的业务拓展、销售运作,能强有力的将计划转变成结果;
3. 设置销售目标、销售模式、销售战略、销售预算和奖励计划;
4. 建立和管理销售队伍,规范销售流程,完成销售目标;
5. 分析新的和原有分销体系或销售渠道的市场潜力、销售数据和费用,测算盈亏情况;
6. 关注于维护和提高公司市场竞争力。
1. Position of Senior Management, to assist the decision makers in formulating the Company's development strategies, to be in charge of the Company's short and long-term decision-making and strategies within his/her function & field and to exert substaintial influence on the accomplishment of the Company's mid and long term objectives;
2. to be in charge of the Company's business development and sales operation and be very capable of turning the plans into the reality;
3. to set up sales objectives, sales modes, sales strategies, sales budgets and incentive plans;
4. to establish and manage the sales teams, to standardize the sales processes and to accomplish the sales objectives;
5. to analyse the potential marketability, sales data and expenses of the new and original distribution systems or sales channels and to calculate the profits and losses;
6. to focus on maintaining and enhance the market competitiveness of the Company.
区域销售经理 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售管理职位,负责其功能领域内主要目标和计划,制定、参与或协助上层执行相关的政策和制度;
2. 负责部门的日常管理工作及部门员工的管理、指导、培训及评估;
3. 负责组织的销售运作,包括计划、组织、进度控制和检讨;
4. 建立和管理销售队伍,完成销售目标;
5. 分析和开发市场并搞好售后服务, 6. 访问和激励特许经销商进一步拓展市场。
1. Position of Sales Management, to be responsible for the main objectives and plans within his/her function & field and to formulate, participate in or assist the superior in implementing related policies and systems;
2. to be in charge of the Department's daily management work and the subordinates' management, direction, training and assessment;
3. to be in charge of organizing the sales operation, including the planning, organization, control over the progress and review;
4. to establish and manage the sales teams and to accomplish the sales objectives;
5. to analyse and develop the markets and to make a good job of after-sales services;
6. to visit and encourage the licensed dealers to further develop the markets.
销售经理 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售管理职位,负责其功能领域内主要目标和计划,制定、参与或协助上层执行相关的政策和制度;
2. 负责部门的日常管理工作及部门员工的管理、指导、培训及评估;
3. 负责组织的销售运作,包括计划、组织、进度控制和检讨;
4. 协助销售总监设置销售目标、销售模式、销售战略、销售预算和奖励计划;
5. 建立和管理销售队伍,完成销售目标;
6. 从销售和客户需求的角度,对产品的研发提供指导性建议。
1. Position of Sales Management, to be responsible for the main objectives and plans within his/her function & field and to formulate, participate in or assist the superior in implementing related policies and systems;
2. to be in charge of the Department's daily management work and the subordinates' management, direction, training and assessment;
3. to be in charge of organizing the sales operation, including the planning, organization, control over the progress and review;
4. to assist the Sales Director in setting up sales objectives, sales modes, sales strategies, sales budgets and incentive plans;
5. to establish and manage the sales teams and to accomplish the sales objectives;
6. to bring forward the instructive proposals on the products' R&D from the sales' and customer demand's point of views.
销售主管 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务;
2. 开发客户资源,寻找潜在客户,完成销售目标;
3. 签定销售合同,指导、协调、审核与销售服务有关的帐目和记录,协调运输等事务;
4. 解决客户就销售和服务提出的投诉;
5. 从销售和客户需求的角度,对产品的研发提供指导性建议。
1. Position of Sales Staff, to fulfill the quantified work requirements periodically under the superior's direction and supervision and to handle and settle the tasks for which he/she is responsible independently;
2. to develop the customer resources, to seek for potential customers and to accomplish the sales objectives;
3. to conclude the sales contracts, to direct, coordinate and check the accounts and records related to the sales services and to coordinate such affairs as transportation;
4. to settle the customer's complaints in terms of the sales and services;
5. to bring forward the instructive proposals on the products' R&D from the sales' and customer demand's point of views.
渠道|分销经理 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售管理职位,负责其功能领域内主要目标和计划,制定、参与或协助上层执行相关的政策和制度;
2. 负责部门的日常管理工作及部门员工的管理、指导、培训及评估;

1. Position of Sales Management, to be responsible for the main objectives and plans within his/her function & field and to formulate, participate in or assist the superior in implementing related policies and systems;
2. to be in charge of the Department's daily management work and the subordinates' management, direction, training and assessment;
3. to formulate the channel strategies and sales objectives as per the Company's business demand;
4. to establish the channel sales processes and operational criteria;
5. to develop and manage the new channel cooperators;
6. to organize the alliance actions or promotions activities for the purpose of boosting the channel sales and the cooperative relationship with the channel cooperators.
渠道|分销主管 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务;
2. 参与制定渠道策略和销售目标计划;
3. 探索开发新的渠道合作者;
4. 管理和组织对渠道合作者持续的支持,如销售和技术培训、售前协助、售后客户服务、技术支持等;
5. 监督实施联合行动或促销行动,推动渠道销售与渠道合作。
1. Position of Sales Staff, to fulfill the quantified work requirements periodically under the superior's direction and supervision and to handle and settle the tasks for which he/she is responsible independently;
2. to participate in formulating the channel strategies and sales objectives plans;
3. to seek after and develop the new channel cooperators;
4. to manage and organize the persistent support to the channel cooperators, such as sales and technical trainings, before-sales assistance, after-sales customer services, technical support, etc. 5. to supervise and implement the alliance actions or promotions activities for the purpose of boosting the channel sales and the cooperative relationship with the channel cooperators.
客户经理 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售管理职位,负责其功能领域内主要目标和计划,制定、参与或协助上层执行相关的政策和制度;
2. 负责部门的日常管理工作及部门员工的管理、指导、培训及评估;
3. 分析客户需求,维护与指定公司关键顾客的关系,寻求机会发展新的业务;
4. 管理、参与和跟进项目进展;
5. 建立管理数据库,跟踪分析相关信息;
6. 向公司提供市场资讯及所属客户信息。
1. Position of Sales Management, to be responsible for the main objectives and plans within his/her function & field and to formulate, participate in or assist the superior in implementing related policies and systems;
2. to be in charge of the Department's daily management work and the subordinates' management, direction, training and assessment;
3. to analyse the customer demand, to maintain the relationship with the Company's designated key customers and to seek for the opportunities to develop a new business;
4. to manage, participate in and follow up the project progress;
5. to set up a management database and to follow up and analyse relevant information;
6. to provide to the Company the information related to the market and his/her customers.
渠道|分销专员 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务;
2. 协助渠道伙伴策划市场活动,并负责推进市场活动展开;
3. 完成代理商、大代理商的拓展、沟通、签约等工作;
4. 支持和维系渠道关系;
5. 完成上级交给的其它事务性工作。
1. Position of Sales Staff, to fulfill the quantified work requirements periodically under the superior's direction and supervision and to handle and settle the tasks for which he/she is responsible independently;
2. to assist the channel partners in designing the market activities and be in charge o f advancing the implementation thereof;
3. to fulfill such works as the development of and the communication and execution of contracts with the agents and key agents;
4. to support and maintain the channel relationship;
5. to fulfill other routine works required by the superior.
销售代表 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 销售人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务;
2. 管理客户关系,完成销售任务;
3. 了解和发掘客户需求及购买愿望,介绍自己产品的优点和特色;
4. 对客户提供专业的咨询;
5. 收集潜在客户资料;
6. 收取应收帐款。
1. Position of Sales Staff, to fulfill the quantified work requirements periodically under the superior's direction and supervision and to handle and settle the tasks for which he/she is responsible independently;
2. to manage the customer relationship and to fulfill the sales tasks;
3. to understand and find out the customer's demands and purchasing desires and to introduce the merits and features of our products;
4. to provide professional consulting opinions to the customers;
5. to collect the materials related to potential customers;
6. to collect the receivables.
大区销售总监 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 高层管理职位,协助决策层制定公司发展战略,负责其功能领域内短期及长期的公司决策和战略,对公司中长期目标的达成产生重要影响;

1. Position of Senior Management, to assist the decision makers in formulating the Company's development strategies, to be in charge of the Company's short and long-term decision-making and strategies within his/her function & field and to exert substaintial influence on the accomplishment of the Company's mid and long term objectives;
be in charge of formulating, implementing and managing the sales plans for his/her responsible areas and to ensure the accomplishment of the sales objectives, received amount objectives and profits objectives;
manage, supervise and control over the plans, bids, invitation to bids, commercial negotiation and the contract execution of the key sales projects within his/her responsible areas;
manage the key sales partners within his/her responsible areas;
be in charge of the daily organization, coordination and management of the sales staff within his/her responsible areas.
产品|品牌主管 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 业务主管职位,独立负责工作小组,给下级成员提供引导或支持并监督他们的日常活动;
2. 协助产品的设计、实施,及后期的市场营销;
3. 负责产品管理及产品策略制定;
4. 分析特定范围产品的市场趋势,拓展和执行产品推销计划;
5. 监控、分析和报告产品的市场销售情况;
6. 负责公司内部与生产该系列产品相关的职能部门间的协调工作。
1. Position of Business Supervisor, to be solely in charge of the working group and to direct or support his/her subordinates and supervise their daily activities;
2. to assist in the design, development, management, implementation and last-stage marketing of the products;
3. to be in charge of the product management and formulating the product strategies;
4. to analyse the market tendency of the products within a specified scope and to develop and implement the products marketing plans;
5. to supervise, analyse and report the marketing & sales status of the products;
6. to be in charge of the internal coordination with the Company's functional departments related to manufacturing this series products.
市场企划专员 职位描述:
中文描述 | 英文描述
1. 专业人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务;
2. 负责各项推广活动的会前准备、会后整理;
3. 收集活动反馈信息;
4. 具体实施制作各种宣传材料、项目说明书、销售支持材料等;
5. 管理各种推广档案资料。
1. Position of Professional Staff, to fulfill the quantified work requirements periodically under the superior's direction and supervision and to handle and settle the tasks for which he/she is responsible independently;
2. to be in charge of the preparation before and the processing after various marketing


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