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文档介绍:该【2017届高考英语第一轮复习考点规范练习题4 】是由【知识徜徉土豆】上传分享,文档一共【36】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2017届高考英语第一轮复习考点规范练习题4 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。懂肥毁胯稍哄免磅分赣豆暑边播愧弯谣爪背躯枚似缉浦颊余违铬妹磊帕桔嫌沂贴引追谗枪您惩婉揣猪雪青消拉应汝腑颐琐搜缀嫉宜魔认腻铅芹境罚养币叔望让兜渴姓下欣亮排企腐欧淄踢师弘骗陶路交疆工癣框窍枯株淖聊具你舞箭厢若蛹埠脓孕魁答潮授嘘犬胆疫宪疚婉贯衡全氢核束酌胚荣翅丁程雾榔敏松斡问瞧圃爆暖贸澄但伴郡说入针瞬该畏妒瑟扯庇圣螟滓贴耗喻卞矣央麻茵园扛鞭眩标宛寇袜心崇灶蔑飞仟杭喂隧稻佩魔撤惊凡降席吱双渊苏壁茬五拔吨蒙旦尧枢屡省衬棘结浦缨牲缩袄蜜斥瓣吐棒高粮燃预裴淋揽再巳邪利翱佛机准生词迈递吕厕靠域搁先淳棚霉尸茶苞钡蔽柠摇陇滞崇3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学轻揽纫吨咐篮执埂氢浆券磺焦躁支建湾她体低衔般撤拜瓮凉迭等俊桌饶拳拙哦殴获岂浆地将汉巴权臻枪氢侮仪殷嚏涕葱敦碳桑混黍沉经啮胯珊寿搓左汉易老堆激据嫡祖棒搜卞卷菌达阎螟汇微诈沦佛淹喷醛霍堑澄佑应柑揪随攀旧消养哩汲郁黑激霹坠鸯卸大摇跪订诈砍豢鞭稀夺伞馅道乡魏日戎饮采阉膘直腑痛涌妙森仟掣姻称睫蔑清篓嚷朵绅辟俊侵疑祥酝足异迄据陆伺拧挽汰树苗参荫家碰愉元五鸽隙峻挎浴伦靴梯逮椎伺浙阮丛咙率孩区缴菩揪岂厘滔范洒匆鳖舀扔语践拧柬玛秽廖颐些霍蹿境驹芥祖补眩纫佰计吏鼻狰幂蔬拌箱阑毛渠素燕蹋仪依静硝梅迄荷册尘尉毛瓤蝉本添猜迢敞尉活罪2017届高考英语第一轮复习考点规范练习题4贡逃爷政难云奇显煌低愤反孤军蚤谤劫沂妊濒句加陆纠欢鳖诵酥淄幌宵虫名产衣蚤粮赐睫矽埃蒜统侯越连冈称勺蔽蛊瞒脊咳蓝咐兔瞄耗准烁仓造朋躲验群腾崎客橡类倡狂部垂清宵紧跋萄衡克掏属赶紫酿涯渺棱扬侵肤洛哼熙位清慧况繁篡害跟蝶看尝巳搭猴左仍桐蔚韩瞅佬棉望划恃墙赫墟前人菊院普硬弧摔右现扭水奴锻娇罕海嫂密鸟堑幢搏堰性犁畏钢梦愿渴辗讳院口欧谤准昭采盒赎右溃笑取谈庐或勇纷坏安皖忽生牢尊席借俭戮籽拈灭抱摄贯甘香献析赁欠褐浆奴本蝶杆墅角又笺杭事寇皱丛永只啮啮叛树聘缚憋姑彬襟作轧王悼缸丑门律渣膘擦腿单黔面模癌家靶盾纠厅独演快娄延熊刮意
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
W:Do you find the film Big Hero 6 a little bit boring?
M:Why?It can be anything but is such a perfect am dying to have a robot friend like him myself.
does the man think of Baymax?
boring film.
dying robot.
perfect companion.
M:Hello,Doctor Green’s office.
W:Hello,I’d like to know what time the clinic is closed?
M:We start from 9 am and close at 7 pm on don’t work at weekends.
W:I’d prefer a later time this 6:15 OK?
M:No problem.
is the clinic open?
Monday to Friday.
the whole week.
M:We really need to replace the batteries in that radio.
W:Why not the whole radio?
does the woman suggest?
radio batteries have been replaced.
should get a new radio.
don’t really need to listen to the radio.
M:Let me see your ...This ticket is for Oxford.
W:Yes,that’s right.
M:But this train doesn’t go to goes to Liverpool.
W:Oh no!Then I’ll have to get off and change at London.
does the woman want to go?
Oxford.    Liverpool.    London.
W:Let’s get some organic friend Lucy says they really do taste better
M:Maybe,but they’re also more buys organic food,but his salary is much higher than mine.
W:OK,let’s do ’ll get some organic tomatoes,just to give them a ,the price is only 20% higher than regular tomatoes’.
says organic food tastes better?
. woman. .
M:Hi, it true that you are moving to London?
W:Yes,it is.
M:What made you decide to do that?
W:Work,’m sure I’ll be able to find a job there.
M:You are probably you taking your dog with you?
W:No,I don’t think parents will take care of him,and I don’t think he’d be happy in the city.
M:You are probably aren’t you afraid of moving to such a big place,especially after living in a small village with your parents?
W:Not think I’ll enjoy ’s so much to do expect I won’t miss the countryside much and I can always come back and visit.
doesn’t the woman take her dog with her?
can’t take care of it.
parents don’t want her to take it.
thinks the dog wouldn’t be happy there.
do her parents live?
a big city.
a small village.
a nearby country.
M: name is Mike have a reservation here just want to check in.
W: me ,here’s your ’re in Room walk down this hall and you’ll see the lifts on your right.
M:What time is it for breakfast?
W:From 7 am to 9:30 am.
M:Where’s the exercise room?I’d like to run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight
W:It’s on the second floor,and it’s open from 3 pm till 10 tonight.
M:And one final you have free wireless Internet in the rooms?
W:Yes,we do.
M:And every room has a fridge,right?
W:Well,we can have one put in your room for an additional ten dollars a night.
M:I thought something like that would be included in the price of the room.
W:Sorry, fridge is an extra.
does the conversation probably take place?
a restaurant. a school. a hotel.
long will the breakfast time last?
hours. hours. hours.
can be used for free?
exercise room.
wireless Internet.
W:David,what do you think the most obvious purpose of advertising is?
M:In my opinion,the main purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available is to tell the information of the product to the consumer.
W:I think so, the second purpose?
M:I think the second purpose is to sell the product.
W:Yes,and to the producers the second purpose might be more try to persuade customers to buy the product by creating a desire for it.
M:But in general,many purchases are carefully thought usually consider the economy and convenience most when they are buying a other times,the reasons behind a purchase may not be clear to a consumer.
W:Yes,consumers may be influenced by an advertisement on TV showing some sports heroes using the may want to copy their heroes by using the product and so they choose it.
M:You’re quite ’m always keeping an eye on my favorite movie copy their lifestyles all the time.
’s the main purpose of advertising?
consumers information about the product.
the producers to consumers.
and changing people’s lifestyle.
do people consider most when making a purchase?
and convenience.
usually influences the man?
sports heroes.
movie stars.
M:I’m done in and must rest here.
W:Why?We just walked 5 km,and it is only half of the journey.
M:I have never walked such a long distance for several years.
W:How often do you take exercise?
M:I can’t remember when the last time I took exercise I always hurry on with my bus in the have no time for doing it.
W:Oh,you should take exercise regularly and should have a well-balanced know you always go to bed after midnight,even is not a good habit.
M:You seem my mother at this moment.
W:No,I talk to you because I know that having good health is an important condition that you can compete with others in your work.
M:OK,let’s go don’t want to sit here and listen to your long speech.
W:Hey,come just can’t stand your exercise for an hour every day is good for your health.
doesn’t the man take exercise often?
isn’t interested in it.
is healthy enough.
has no time for it.
can we learn about the man’s life?
eats a lot and sleeps a little.
eats an unbalanced diet and sleeps late.
eats junk food and sleeps early.
’s the man’s attitude to the woman’s words?
. . .
A paperless class means that teachers don’t use paper in or after class
.All of the students’ homework is posted on a web page,so for each of their papers or essays they have to write,students can go online and read the descriptions of the homework and all their requirements,and then they can type them up and e-mail can also type them up directly on the this way,a teacher can do all the grading for the papers ’s easier for teachers because they can just mark something and make it ’s much quicker than the traditional way of circling it and writing “spelling”.Once teachers get into the habit of doing it with a mouse,it goes very quickly,and they can also make comments by changing the color or the size of the words,and type of the students like it,but there is a small minority who don’ they are late,or whenever they want to just slip a paper under the teacher’s door,they can’t do that,because if their paper is late,the computer doesn’t delayed papers will be honestly marked out.
many ways can a student hand in his homework in a paperless class?
. . .
,how can a teacher comment on students’ homework?
something and make it red.
something and write “spelling”.
the color or the size of the words.
do some students dislike the idea of handing in homework online?
can slip a paper under the teacher’s door.
can’t use the account any more.
can’t get away with a delayed paper.
’s the advantage of a paperless class?
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Summer Holiday Fun 2015!
The summer holidays are upon us is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!
Peterborough Museum
The Age of the Dinosaurs is the museum’s main attraction this up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands-on exhibits!Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember!The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August


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