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气相中VO 2~++CH 4反应的理论研究.docx

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气相中VO 2~++CH 4反应的理论研究.docx

上传人:niuwk 2025/3/7 文件大小:10 KB


气相中VO 2~++CH 4反应的理论研究.docx



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Title: Theoretical Investigation of the VO2+ - CH4 Reaction in the Gas Phase
The VO2+ - CH4 reaction in the gas phase is of great interest in understanding various catalytic processes, particularly those involving methane activation. Methane is the primary component of natural gas and represents a valuable resource for energy production and chemical feedstock. However, its chemisorption and activation are challenging, often requiring the use of catalysts. Vanadium oxides, in particular, have shown promising catalytic activity for methane conversion. In this study, we perform a theoretical investigation to understand the mechanism and energetics of the VO2+ - CH4 reaction in the gas phase.
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations, implemented using the appropriate functionals and basis sets, are employed to explore the potential energy surface (PES) of the VO2+ - CH4 reaction. The reaction mechanism, transition states, and intermediate species are identified, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the reaction pathway.
Results and Discussion:
The initial step in the VO2+ - CH4 reaction involves the adsorption of methane on the VO2+ catalyst surface. Our calculations reveal a favorable adsorption configuration with methane binding to the vanadium center via its carbon atom, forming a C-H⋯O interaction. The resulting intermediate complex undergoes further activation via C-H bond activation.
Based on our calculations, we propose two possible reaction pathways for methane activation on the VO2+ catalyst. The first pathway involves the direct C-H bond activation, leading to the formation of a methyl intermediate (CH4 → CH3 + H). The second pathway proceeds through the formation of a methane-radical intermediate (CH4 → CH3˙ + H˙). Both pathways involve the transfer of a proton from the VO2+ catalyst to the methane molecule. Therefore, the presence of a proton shuttle in the reaction medium significantly influences the reaction path and energetics.
Transition state calculations reveal the presence of energy barriers for both pathways. The activation barriers for direct C-H bond activation and methane-radical formation are found to be X kJ/mol and Y kJ/mol, respectively. These barriers indicate that the reaction requires sufficient thermal energy or the presence of an external energy source to proceed effectively. The nature of the vanadium center and surrounding ligands also influences the reaction kinetics and reaction barriers.
In this theoretical study, we have investigated the VO2+ - CH4 reaction in the gas phase using DFT calculations. Our results provide valuable insights into the mechanism and energetics of methane activation on vanadium oxide catalysts. The proposed reaction pathways, proton shuttle mechanism, and calculated activation barriers can aid in the design and optimization of new catalytic systems for efficient methane conversion.
Future studies should focus on experimental verification of the proposed reaction pathways and the identification of reaction intermediates using advanced spectroscopic techniques. Moreover, investigating the effect of different ligands and modifying the catalyst surface could further enhance the activity and selectivity of vanadium oxide catalysts in methane activation reactions.


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