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1 > I f you give me time, I (f i nd) the so I ut i on>
If you want to pass, you (have to) study hard、
What (happen) if they don' t agree with each other?
Beckham is a famous footbaI I (play)、
My father made a living by (se I I) sma I I toys when he was young、
Did the chi Idren enjoy(they) in the party Iast Sunday?
The col lege graduate enjoyed (teach) in the poor
Practise as(much) as you can>
62、The (much), the(good)、
Nowadays (现在)Engl ish is( important ) than any other subject, I think、
Most of the students think a I ion is much(dangerous) than a bear and it is the (dangerous) animal in the wor Id> 65、 It' s to say than to do (easy)
66、Wh i ch do you I i ke of a I I the coats? (we I I)
The app I es i n the other shop are and、 (cheap; good)
Many of the stars are so away that we can' t see them、 (far)
69、The Yangtze River is very(Iong)、In fact, it' s r i ver in China (Iong)
70、Did you decide(visit) your grandparents?
There are many(d i fferent) between them、
72、I can' t stand(hear) the bad news>
73、Lucy and Lily are the(win) of the ta I ent show、
74、Th i s sh i rt isn' t as (good) as that one、
75、He is the (bad) student in his cIass>
76、The news (be) so terr i b I e that we a I I
can' t stand、
77、I reaI Iy enjoyed
78、It i s good to re I ax by
、 Did you have fun
s brother i s as
but hers i s (new)
s necessary for us
(waIk) around town、 (use) i nternet>
(pI ay) at the party?
Mary '
(health) as her s i ster>
My pen i s new, than mi ne、、
It '
(I earn) Eng Ii sh we I
83、 The storybook i s(interest)
of the three、
84、I can' t stand (Iisten) to the noisy music>
85、There (be) some exciting news in today' s newspaper>
86> WouId you mind (open) the window?
87、Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday?
88、Where do you pI an(go) th i s Sunday?
89、Do you want (watch) the news?
90、Sally thinks soap operas are (educational) than
sits、 91、I hope (watch) the action movie one day>
92、Yao Ming is a (success) pIayer in NBA、
93、I think Xi Yangyang is as (famous) as Mikey Mouse>
94、He is (funny) than the other students in his class、
95、Did you have fu/7(I earn) someth i ng?
96、Nelly practiced (dance) a Iot more than Lisa>
97、His mother often makes him(cIean) his room on weekends、
98、Lisa practiced a Iot more and wanted(win)、
99、It' s necessary for us (I earn) Engl i sh we I R 100> He i s (d i ff erent) from hi s brother > They have some (d i fferent)
1、 If I go to the party, I'll bring them some flowers 、(提I词) br i ng i f you go to the party?
2、Study hard, and you'I I pass the Engli sh exam、
=study hard, pass the Engl ish exam
3、 Wear jeans, and we won1t Iet you in、
= wear jeans, we won't Iet you in、
、 I wi I I study Engl i sh hard> I wi I I teach Engl i sh i n a schooI >
、 Mary i s eighteen years old (同 义 句)
Mary i s gi r R
We wa I ked for another two hours 、 (同 义 句)
We wa I ked for hours、
8、I go to dance three times a week、(提问)
do you go to dance?