文档介绍:该【英语听力入门stepbystepUnit2词汇 】是由【huanmouyo】上传分享,文档一共【16】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【英语听力入门stepbystepUnit2词汇 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。Unit two Happy Family Life (II)
Part I Warming up A
angry and upset because someone you love is giving their attention to another person:She gets jealous if I even look at another woman. Cf. feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had→envious jealous ofWhy are you so jealous of his success?You're just jealous of her.
You are going to hear a man and woman talking about some relationships, such as parents, neighbors, boyfriends or girlfriends. What do you think which one is most important to you?
B Vocabulary
Her son's visits are a great treat for her.
treat: thing that gives great pleasure, esp sth unexpected or not always available 乐事, 乐趣
How about your relationship with your parents?
You are going to listen four people talk about their relationships with their parents
First just read the following difficult sentences
Then listen
Listen again without looking at these sentences
Part II Mothers and daughters
Some scholars believe relationships between mothers and daughters can be especially strained (difficult)
strain: If a relationship is strained, problems are spoiling that relationship:
premature: happening before the natural or proper time his premature death due to cancer premature ageing of the skin
nurture: care for and educate (a child) 养育, 教养, 教育(儿童): children nurtured by loving parents
onset: a beginning, a start
puberty: the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and are able to have children
maternal: relating to or characteristic of a mother or motherhood
Among other things, fathers can diffuse some of the mother-daughter tension and serve as mediators
diffuse: to make a bad feeling or situation less strong or serious
impetus: /’ɪmpɪtəs/ an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly 推动; 刺激; 促进
impetus for The report may provide further impetus for reform. The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.
clinical psychologist临床心理学家
sociologist/,səusi’ɔlədʒist /社会学家
follow in sb's footsteps  
to do the same thing as someone else did previously:She followed in her mother's footsteps, starting her own business.