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文档介绍:该【英国大伦敦公共交通票价机制分析 】是由【niuww】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【英国大伦敦公共交通票价机制分析 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。英国大伦敦公共交通票价机制分析
London, the capital city of England, is one of the most heavily populated cities in the world. With a population of over 8 million people, the city is home to a vast array of public transportation options such as buses, trams, taxis, and the famous London Underground. The London transport system is one of the most elaborate, well-organised, and efficient in the world. However, London's transport system also comes at a cost to its users. The city's public transport ticketing system and fare structure is often criticised as confusing and expensive.
This essay seeks to examine the pricing structures and overall design of the London public transportation system. We will delve into the fare pricing system of Transport for London (TfL), explore the different modes of public transportation in the city, and explore how it has evolved over the years.
Transport for London (TfL)
TfL is the authority that is responsible for public transportation in Greater London, including the famous London Underground system, buses, trams, and taxis. TfL is also responsible for fare setting, ticketing, redress, and travel information provision. The administration of TfL began during the tenure of the former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. Since TfL started operations, there have been significant changes in the fare structures and ticketing systems.
Fare Pricing Structures
The fare structure in London for public transportation is complex, with different prices for different modes of transport, distances, and time of travel. London's public transportation fare system has both benefits and drawbacks. One of the advantages of the TfL system is that, unlike other cities, passengers are charged based on the distance travelled rather than the length of time the journey takes. This means that passengers can save money on shorter journeys. Furthermore, there are various fare structures available, including daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tickets, which can help to reduce individual costs and provide added convenience to passengers. Additionally, fare capping is in operation, which ensures that passengers can travel as much as they want to within a day or week, without paying more than a set amount.
Another unique feature of TfL's fare structure is that it's cashless. The only way to pay your fare is by using an Oyster card or contactless debit or credit card. This has led to the implementation of various initiatives to enable passengers to pay their fares quickly and easily. TfL has installed contactless readers on all its buses and tube services, allowing passengers to enter and exit easily. This has helped to speed up the boarding process and reduce the time passengers spend waiting to get on board.
However, there are also disadvantages with TfL's fare pricing structure. Prices can be high, especially for one-off journeys, which can deter infrequent users. The pricing structure can also be confusing, meaning many prospective passengers often struggle to understand it. In order to address these challenges finally, TfL has been making continuous improvements to its pricing system, such as the recent introduction of the Hopper fare, which allows passengers to transfer buses within one hour of their initial journey, with no extra charge.
Modes of Transport
London has an extensive public transportation network, with a range of transport modes available. The Underground, DLR, Overground, Tram, and National Rail services together make up a comprehensive network that serves all parts of the city. TfL also operates a comprehensive bus network with over 700 routes within Greater London. Taxis and minicabs are also widely available, although these services can be expensive.
Evolution of London's Public Transportation System
Transport provision in London has come a long way since the horse-drawn trams of the 1800s. In the late 19th century, the London Transport Company was incorporated, which oversaw the development of many transport systems. The first underground line was officially opened in 1863.
Over these years, the transport systems have undergone significant improvements. The first electrified Underground line came into operation in 1890, and then the Oyster card was launched in 2003. There has been immense investment in the public transport system, including the London Overground, the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), and the Jubilee line extension. TfL has also undertaken various initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of its services, such as increasing the number of electric buses and introducing a low-emission zone in the city.
In conclusion, London's public transport ticketing system and fare structures can be confusing and expensive, but it is also one of the most comprehensive and efficient transport systems in the world. Despite the disadvantages of TfL's fare structure, the various modes of transportation, fare capping, and the Hopper fare, among other initiatives, have helped to make it more accessible and convenient for users. With continued investment, this system can only continue to improve.


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