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文档介绍:该【短期投资和 】是由【知识徜徉土豆】上传分享,文档一共【66】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【短期投资和 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。5Shortterminvestmentsreceivables短期投资和
Learning Objectives
Account for short-term investments
Apply internal controls to receivables
Use the allowance method for uncollectible receivables
Account for notes receivable
Use 2 new ratios to evaluate financial position
Key Terms
Debt instrument
Equity security
Short-Term Investments
Marketable Securities
company plans to hold one year or less
Trading Investments – intent is to sell in the short term to generate profits
Trading securities are reported on the balance sheet at current market value
Unrealized gains and losses appear on the income statement.
Entry for Unrealized Gain
Short-Term Investments 100,000
Cash 100,000
Purchased Investment
To record the purchase of short-term investments.
To record the receipt of a cash dividend from short-term investments.
7 Cash 4,000
Dividend Revenue 4,000
Received cash dividend
Entry for Unrealized Gain
Dec 31 Short-Term Investments 2,
Unrealized Gain on Investments 2,
Adjust investment to market value
To record the $2,000 increase in market value of marketable securities held as short-term investments.
Entry for Unrealized Loss
Dr: Unrealized loss on investments 5,000
Cr: Short-term Investments 5,000
To record the unrealized loss of $5,000 decreased in market value of marketable securities held as short-term investmen
Reporting Short-Term Investments
Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Trading investments reported at current market value
Income Statement
Interest and dividend revenue reported under Other Revenue.
Gains and losses reported under Other Revenue.
Reporting Short-Term Investments
Entry for Realized Gains and Losses
Dr: Cash 98,000
Loss on Sale of Investments 4,000
Cr: Short-term Investments 102,000
To record the realized Loss of $4,000 decreased in market value of marketable securities held as short-term investmen


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毕业生就业基地合同及见习生合作条款 7页

步行街运营承包合同 6页

正式合同模板:代课教师聘用 6页

棉花购销及加工合同 6页

中国历史上锡箔的特殊用途和传统制作工艺 2页

中、高碳钢钢球生产工艺及经济效益 2页

《快乐生活-快乐工作》 59页

不锈钢圆筒形中温黑体炉的研究 2页

上钢一厂摆式飞剪剪切机构的探讨 2页

上海城市交通 水质问题及对策 2页

上市公司会计信息失真的原因及对策研究 2页

三芯扇形纸力缆中二维电场分布的有限元素法分.. 2页

2025年幼儿园感恩节系列活动总结 11页

2025年幼儿园小班艺术领域活动方案创意方案大.. 9页

一类新型相变,一种新的软化工艺 2页

一种稻壳基蓝藻处理剂及其制备方法 2页

一种新型的气动伺服阀及其在位置控制系统中的.. 2页

机场扩建土方运输项目合同3篇 54页

服装辅料干线物流合同3篇 55页

有机溶剂运输合同样本3篇 54页

时尚家居店装修合同协议书3篇 55页

旅游景区石材采购协议样本3篇 59页

1.6-微积分基本定理-人教a版高中数学选修2-2课.. 31页

医院后勤人员工作计划范文与医院后勤安全工作.. 15页

区委科技局干部年底述职总结与区委经济审计学.. 8页

借款合同模板(电子版) 5页

2024河南电工技师考试题库电工证考试试题及答.. 59页

历年山东省烟台市物业公司物业管理基本工作范.. 15页

电线送检委托书 4页