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文档介绍:该【2025年下半年大学英语四级词汇和语法模拟试题 】是由【8872】上传分享,文档一共【10】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年下半年大学英语四级词汇和语法模拟试题 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。

下半年大学英语四级词汇和语法模拟试题 1
  1. It was requested that all of the equipment ____in the agreed time.
  A. erected B. would be erected C. be erected D. will be erected ?
  2. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.
  A. to remember B. remembered C. having been remembered D. remembering?
  3. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
  A. ought to have sent B. couldnt have sent ?C. must have sent D. neednt have sent

  4. It turned out that the children were not ____for the accident.
  A. to blame B. to be blamed C. to be blaming D. to have been blamed?
  5. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles,____been mentioned in previous chapters.
  A. a few of which B. a few of them C. a few of those D. a few of that?
  6. Setting up a committee might be a way____the project more efficiently.
  A. to be doing B. doing C. to do D. being done?
  7. It____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.
   her B. makes her pain C. is paining D. is pained?
  8. Our boss, Mr. Thompson,____a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.
   promising B. has been promising C. promised D. has promised?
  9. He was determined to sail around the world ____his illness and old age.
  A. given B. although C. despite D. in spite?
  10. The board deemed its urgent that these invitations ____ first thing tomorrow morning.
  A. had to be put in the mail B. must be put in the mail?
  C. be put in the mail D. should have been put in the mail?
   that have no real topic have to remainas they are.
  A. Manufacture B. Manipulative C. Manipulate ?
  12. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost ____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.
  A. trace B. trail C. track D. touch?
  13. The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must ____them.
  A. mend B. patch C. repair D. pitch?
  14. ____and wage increases have not kept in step.
  A. Production B. Product C. Produce D. Productivity?
  15. People under stress have performed____feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off an accident victim.
  A. specific B. extraordinary C. abrupt D. abnormal?
  16. Modern appliances____us from a good deal of household instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
   B . benefit C. liberate D. comfort?
  17. The audience waited in____silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.
  A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable
  18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____.
  A. counted for B. looked up for D. checked up?
  19. When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ____ever seeing it.
  A. refused B. denied C. opposed D. resisted?
  20. Communication between a young couple is a(n)____business.
  A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate?

  21. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____ the little rain that fell last night.
  A. skipped B. soaked C. retrieved D. absorbed?
  22. Well ____you as soon as we have any further information.
  A. notify B. signify C. communicate D. impart?
  23. The fox fell into the____the hunters had set forit.
  A. bush B. trap C. trick D. circle?
  24. I dont know you want to keep the letter. Ive ____it up.
  A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed?
  25. The old lady____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
  A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled
  1. C) 所有设备要求在商定的时间内安装完毕。
  2. A) 坐在我对面的那个人梦幻般地笑着,好像回想起过去发生的某件高兴的事。
  “as if +不定式”是一个常见的结构,意为“好像”。
  3. D) 我本不必把圣诞礼物给他邮去,因为他圣诞节期间回家了。
  4. A) 结果证明是,这起事故不怪孩子。
  be to blame 是一个习惯搭配,意为“该受责备”。
  5. A) 经过若干次斗争,种族隔离被取消了,其中的几次斗争在前几章里已经提到。
  6. C) 建立一个委员会或许是更有效地做这项工程的方法。
  way后面可接不定式作定语,也可接of doing形式。
  7. A) 看到那片山区有那么多孩子连小学都上不起,她感到很痛心。

  It pains sb. to see...意为“看到…使某人感到痛心”。
  8. B) 我们的老板汤姆逊许诺给我们加薪好些年了,可到现在什么也没发生。
  9. C) 他不顾疾病缠身,年老体弱,决心做环球航行。
  despite是介词,意为“尽管”,等于in spite of,两者的后面都接名词。
  10. C) 董事会认为,明天早晨的第一件事就是将这些邀请函紧急寄出。
  it is urgent that 后接虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。
  11. B) 没有实际主题的操作性训练只得保持原样。
  manipulative 意为“操作的;控制的”;manufacture意为“制造”;manipulate意为“操纵”;manifest意为“显然的;明了的”。
  12. C) 写作这本书的时间如此之长,以致于我找不到图书馆职员为我找到的大部分原始资料。
  lose track of 意为“失去与…的联系;失去…的线索”;trace意为“痕迹,遗迹”;trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”;touch意为“接触”。
  13. B) 你大衣的肘部磨薄了,我得在那儿打块补丁。
  14. D) 生产率的提高和工资的提高没有保持同步。
  productivity 意为“生产力;生产率”;production意为“生产;制造”;product意为“产品”;produce意为“农产品”。
  15. B) 人们在心理压力的作用下,表演了非凡的力量技艺,比如把一辆汽车从交通事故的受害者身上搬开。

  16. C) 现代化的家用电器把我们从大量的家务劳动中解放出来,比如,甩干机使我们不必把洗的衣服挂起来。
  17. C) 那位上了年纪的发言人在他的笔记中寻找着他记不起来的数字,此时,听众们恭敬地等候着,全场一片寂静。
  18. C)文件的消失从未得到过解释。
  account for意为“解释;说明”;count for意为“值,计”;look up意为“查检”;check up意为“核实”。
  19. B),他否认曾经见过。
  四个选项中只有deny合题意。deny+动名词,意为“否认”;refuse意为“拒绝”,加不定式;oppose意为“反对,抵抗”,常接介词to; resist意为“反抗,抗拒”。
  20. D) 年轻夫妇之间的交流是件棘手的事。
  21. D) 好几星期没下雨,昨晚下了一场小雨,很快被地面吸收了。

  22. A) 一有进一步的消息,我们立即通知你。
  23. B) 狐狸掉进了猎人为它设的陷井。
  24. A) 我不知道你要保留那封信。我已把信撕了。
  tear up意为“撕毁”;give up意为“放弃”;break up意为“击碎;拆散”;dispose of意为“处理;清除”。
  25. B) 老太太滑倒了,从楼梯顶上摔到了下面。
  下半年大学英语四级词汇和语法模拟试题 2
   watch is _______ by hand, not by machine, so it is very expensive.
   two horses look so much alike that we can not _______ one from the other.
   president of that company was very calm during the political _______.
   is usually the chief enemy of the camera lens.

   _______ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle.
   our way to Beijing, we visited Xian, a city of two million _______, and stayed there for two days.
  A. insects
   of the main reasons for air pollution is that many cars _______ smoke into the atmosphere.
   forget to _______ to let us know you arrived safely.
   gave him a _______ that she could not come to his party.
   the temperature is below zero, water will _______.
  下半年大学英语四级词汇和语法模拟试题 3
  1. On no account ____ ever leave the baby athome alone.
   you should you
  2. I understand ______ preparation that staffmust put in under pressure to meet the deadline.

  A. more than the enormous amount of
  B. better than most the enormous number of
  C. better than most the enormous amount of
  D. fewer than the number of
  3. Im sure your suggestion will ______ the problem.
  A. contribute to solving B. be contributed to solve C. contribute to solve D. becontributed to solving
  4. In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented ______ properseating at the Worlds Antislavery convention in London because of their sex.
  A. refusing B. to be refused
  C. being refused D. having refused
  5. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always ____ with otherelements, most commonly with oxygen.
  A. being combined B. having combined
  C. to combine D. combined
  6. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ______ before theWest was settled.
  A. could B. did C. would D. was
  7. Physics is the presentday equivalent of ____ used to be called natural philosophy, from____ most of presentday science arose.
  A. which, what B. that, which
  C. what, which D. what, that
  8. Evidence came up ______ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as sixmonths old.
  A. what B. that C. which D. whose
  9. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in theMiddle Ages.
  A. It is the sun and not the earth
  B. That the sun and not the earth
  C. Being the sun and not the earth
  D. The sun and not the earth
  10. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he wasinvolved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
  A. was turned out B. was being turned out
  C. being turned out D. turned out
  1. A
  你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所以只有A)项正确。

  我比多数人更能理解员工们在最后期限的压力下所做的大量准备工作。understand better than...意为“对…非常理解”。preparation是不可数名词,须用amount修饰,故选C)。
  我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词,故选A)。
  5. A
  由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动语态形式。
  6. B
  7. C
  当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代科学都产生于自然哲学。what used to becalled作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。
  8. B
  有证据表明,小至六个月的婴儿就能识别具体的声音。evidence后面的'同位语从句被全句的谓语动词came up隔开,同位语从句须由that引导,所以B)项正确。

  9. B
  太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered.
  10. D)
  后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明是…”。


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