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文档介绍:该【2025年成人高考优秀英语范文 】是由【mama】上传分享,文档一共【5】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年成人高考优秀英语范文 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。2025年成人高考优秀英语范文
  Dear John,
  I’ve been in England for two weeks now. you must be eager to know what’s going on with me in your home country and how I feel about my stay here.
  I’m staying with an English family and spend a lot of time with them. They have a son of my age and very soon we become good friends. We talk about our school lives, and after-class activities too. By talking wit h him, I’ve improved my English greatly. I’m sure you’ll find it when I’m back and see you again.
  The summer camp’s life is rich and colorful. We have a lot of activities, for example, visiting museums, paying football with the students here and having evening parties. I’ve learned a lot from these activities.
  I miss you very much and will write you more about my life here.
  Dear Peter,
  I’m really excited to know that you’ll come to China for summer holidays. I hope you’ll come to visit my hometown.
  You can either fly or take a train to come here when you’re in the country. Both the airport and train station are nor far from my home. From the airport you can take Bus No. 45. Please get off at the last stop. If you come by train, I’ll meet you at the train station.
  During your stay, we can visit the islands nearby. They are very beautiful in summer. We can go swimming
  in the sea, running along the seaside and climbing the hills there. The seafood is wonderful on the islands. I’m sure you’ll like it.
  Let me know your travel plan when you have one. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, in my hometown. Cheers,
  Li Hua
  Hi, Jack,
  I've got a new job at a bank in the main business area of the city. I'm moving to 3-12 City Garden, 14 Oxford Street next week. It's quite close to the bank. I've almost finished packing and hopefully the move will go smoothly.
  Though my new home is about an hour's drive from your place, I'm sure I'll have time to visit you and your family often, as I did in the past years. You are welcome to visit my new home anytime at weekends. Call me at 7635089 and let me know how you’re doing.
  Sincerely yours,
  Li Ming
  Dear Tim,
  I’ve got good news for you. Qian Jin High School in my city wants an English teacher for the coming term. He’ll teach spoken English for 2 classes; 10 hours each week. He’ll also be in charge of after-class activities, once a week, for those who are interested in discussions in English. He’ll get 4000yuan each month. The school will offer a free flat and pay for the plan tickets from his home country to Beijing and back.
  I know you wish to teach English in China. I’m looking forward to your reply.
  All the best,
  Li Hua
  Dear John,
  We are going camping on Yulong Mountain this weekend. Would you like to join us? There'll be 6 of us in the group, if you come. We'll go there by train. The train will leave at 9:30 am, and get there in two hours. We are to meet at the Railway Station Square at 8:30 Saturday morning. Since we'll spend the night at the foot of the mountain, please take your camping equipment, such as a tent and a sleeping bag. Don't forget to take your overcoat and get enough water and food. We'll come back Sunday afternoon. If you can join us, please give me a reply soon.
  Best wishes,
  Li Hua


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