文档介绍:该【2025年找准关键内容准确把握托福口语的表达节奏 】是由【mama1】上传分享,文档一共【7】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年找准关键内容准确把握托福口语的表达节奏 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。2025年找准关键内容准确把握托福口语的表达节奏
找准关键内容 精确把握托福口语的表达节奏
找准关键内容 精确把握托福口语的表达节奏
我们有时会担忧,阅读速度的加快会影响阅读理解的精确率,其实这是一种误会。当然,盲目追求阅读速度必定要影响阅读理解的质量。我们应当做的是驾驭正确的阅读节奏:“依据快和慢两种速度交替而成的节奏来改变自己的阅读速度。” 唱歌因韵律节奏而好听,说话因轻重缓急而悦耳,阅读也是一样,快慢相间的阅读速度才能收到良好的阅读效果。
A lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seems so ordinary that the people in the society think they are not significant.
阅读此句,我们不难找到一些关键词,如:cultural anthropology, the special and strange aspects of life, but, anthropologists, interested, ordinary, significant。这些关键词反映了此句的主要信息:“很多人认为文化人类学就是探讨特别而惊奇的社会现象,但人类学家有时还对一些人们认为不重要的、看起来很一般的生活现象感爱好。”通过分析关键词,我们又发觉“but”这个具有转折意义的连接词向我们显示了此句的后半句才是整个句子的核心部分,它提示我们阅读时应更加留心阅读后半句的关键词,提炼关键信息。因此,我们可以很确定地确认此句最重要的意义应当是:“Anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life so ordinary that people don’t think they are significant.”并且也可以很确定地预料,如有下文,也肯定是就后半句所反映的核心信息接着论述,而不是前半句的。这样,在阅读时,我们就会把目光把留意力更加有目的地集中在后半句的关键词上,而对那些附加修饰、说明的部分,如:修饰people的a lot of 、in the society就可以快速阅读,甚至略去不读,因为它不影响我们对中心愿思的理解与把握。
Smell and Memory
Scientists are producing an increasing number of findings on the links between smell and memory. The most prominent scientist in this field is Dr. Alan Hirsch, a US neurologist who specializes in the treatment of patients who have lost their sense of smell or taste. He believes that the memories that certain smells bring back to people are not actually as important as the emotions that are associated with the smells. He also argues that our minds filter these emotions in a positive way, making past times seem better than they perhaps were.
我们留意到这个段落的题目是“Smell and Memory”,我们还知道题目是中心思想的反映。据此,我们可以得知本段主要论述的应是smell and memory之间的联系,由此找到了关键词语“the links between smell and memory”(在段首),而能说明它们之间关系的句子又是最终一句。所以,这个段落的核心信息是:“Some smells remind us of a previous thing in a way that is better than the real experience.”由此判定,本段的首尾都需细心地、稍慢地阅读,而对“最闻名的;特地治疗何种病人的”这样相对次要的句子就可以加快阅读速度。
Some cities insist on keeping ancient buildings. Other cities want to destroy them. Which do you prefer and why?
Well, I prefer the former one. First of all, ancient buildings are reminders of our past. They tell us where we came from and how we get to where we are now. They provide us with the opportunity to appreciate the achievements and the dreams of our previous recall our goals and , we cannot afford not to preserve the historical buildings because they not only bring us aesthetic enjoyment but also have their own architectural and historical values. They are unique in design and we should preserve them for addition, they can attract many tourists and thus contribute to the economic prosperity of the cities.
Which do you prefer, e-reading or traditional reading?
Well, as far as I am concerned, I prefer traditional of all, it’s very comfortable to read traditional books and it doesn’t hurt your eyes as e-reading does. You know computer screens give out radiations which may have some bad effects on your , traditional books are portable. You can read a book whenever you have the time and wherever you importantly, I like the feeling of turning the pages and taking notes on books. In traditional reading, when I find an important point or an interesting thing, I like to underline the words and write down my ideas. I think this is a sort of interaction between the author and myself and this can increase my enjoyment and deepen (improve) my understanding of the book.
Some people prefer to eat out. Others prefer home cooked meals with their family. Which of these types of meal do you prefer? Use specific examples and details for your preference.
Well, I prefer home cooked , the food is definitely clean you don’t have to worry about the sanitary , the food is cheaper than in restaurants and you have a free choice of food. You can cook what you like most and enjoy the process of cooking the meals together with your , I like the feeling of enjoying my meals at home with my families. I like the warm and fragrant atmosphere of is no noise, no hurly-burly, just my family members who love me most, we can talk about many things in the meal and this would enhance our feelings.