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文档介绍:该【2025年全国英语等级考试四级口语练习辅导 】是由【杏杏铺】上传分享,文档一共【4】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年全国英语等级考试四级口语练习辅导 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。

全国英语等级考试四级口语练习辅导 1
  Oh, Lazy man!
  Im twenty and proud that Ive never fed myself! 我二十岁了,但是,以从来不会自己挣钱吃饭为傲。
  Id rather dream than study my chemistry. 我还是做我的梦,总比研究化学好。

  He is too lazy to move but luckily he has strong toes. 他虽然懒惰得不肯动,。
  He has forgotten about his job. 他把工作忘得一干二净。
  They enjoy being idled. 他们以偷懒为乐。
  The fool doesnt suspect a thing. 傻人不疑心什么。
  innocent fool 无罪的傻瓜
  He may cheat in checkers, but it beats staring at his face all day long. 他可能在下象棋时做手脚,但是只要一整天盯着他的脸看便会获胜了。
  What can I say? 我能说些什么呢?
  Banking is such a boring business; I believe Ill take a short snooze. 警卫银行是桩枯燥的差事,且打个盹吧。
  good guy 好家伙
  tricky 诡计多端
  fooling around 闲荡
  Eating is my favorite hobby. 吃是我最大的嗜好。
  I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself. 假如要我自己说嘛,我委实是个美人胚子。
  Ill pretend like its not ringing. 且当它闹钟没有响吧。
  Im sorry Im late. I overslept again. 抱歉我来晚了。我又睡过头了。
  Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed. 也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。
  All work and no play make Jack a dull ,尽情玩。

  全国英语等级考试四级口语练习辅导 2
  1、 In time to come, have to forsake the familiar paper currency.
  in time to come: in the coming/near future 在不久的将来
  get/be familiar with sh 熟悉
  be familiar to sb 为……熟知
  . He likes plants very much, so he is familiar with many flowers.
  This is a flower familiar to many of us.
  forsake: give up, abandon 放弃,遗弃
  . He forsook his bad habits with the help of his friend.
  2. Resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world’s largest emerging market.
  result in: bring about, have a result 致使、导致
  result from: happen as a result of, be caused by 起因于,因..引起
  . The disagreement resulted in the war between the two nations.
  (The war resulted from the disagreement between the two nations.)
  3. make profits =in the red 盈 利
  make losses= in the black亏损
  . This industry will make profit from a long-term perspective/in the long run.
  This company is making losses now, but it will make profits from a long perspective.
   date: so far, until now 到目前为止
  . This company is making profits to .

  5. freelancer freelance v. 做自由职业
  . He has great interest in working as a freelancer.
  6. Superiority .
  1).be/feel superior to 比……好
  2).be/feel inferior to 不如……
  . He always feels superior to other guys in his class.
  7. Exemplify v.
  . His theory was exemplified in the financial crisis.
   optic nerve视觉神经
  optics (和maths, physics一样,表示学科时,和单数动词连用)
  . Thanks to the help of my brother, the problems that I had in optics have been solved.
  多亏哥哥帮忙, 我在光学中遇到的问题都解决了
  . The 21st century witnesses the dizzying development of the electronic industries.
  10. Consultation n. 请教, 咨询, 商议
  . The doctors held a consultation to decide whether an operation was necessary.