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The Iliad – Homer (Trans.doc

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The Iliad – Homer (Trans.doc

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The Iliad – Homer (Trans.doc



文档介绍:The Iliad – Homer (Trans. Robert Fagles)                                
Study Questions
Book I – The Rage of Achilles
1.  The first 8 lines are called the invocation of the muse.  What do you think the major theme of the poem might be?
2.  What king and prince are quarreling?
3.  Why is Apollo shooting arrows at the Greek soldiers/Danaans?
4.  What does Agamemnon say he will take away from Achilles if his own prize is taken away?  What is Achilles’ immediate reaction?  What keeps him from acting out his immediate impulse?
5.  What is the name of Achilles’ war prize?