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上传人:wz_198613 2025/3/23 文件大小:10 KB





文档介绍:该【改进柯西法的多工器有理模型的提取方法 】是由【wz_198613】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【改进柯西法的多工器有理模型的提取方法 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。改进柯西法的多工器有理模型的提取方法
The extraction of a rational model for a multivariable system is a challenging task for control engineers. The Cauchy method is one of the popular methods used for the extraction of rational models. The extracted model using the Cauchy method represents the transfer function of a system that is comprised of multiple inputs and outputs. However, the Cauchy method has some limitations that prevent it from being efficient in all cases. This paper proposes a method to improve the Cauchy method and provide more accurate rational models for multivariable systems for control applications.
Cauchy Method:
The Cauchy method is widely used to extract a rational model of a multivariable system. The method involves the use of cross-correlations between multiple inputs and outputs of a system. The cross-correlations are calculated using the Fourier transform of the impulse response of the system. The impulse response of the system is calculated by measuring the input and output signals of the system. The resulting transfer function represents the system's response to multiple inputs. However, the Cauchy method has its limitations. Firstly, it requires perfect input and output measurements, which means that any noise or disturbances in the signals can impact the accuracy of the model. Secondly, the Cauchy method is complex and requires the use of a large number of matrices and calculations, which increases the computational burden for large systems.
Improving the Cauchy Method:
To improve the Cauchy method, we propose a method that enhances the accuracy of the model and reduces the computational burden. The proposed method uses the cross-correlation of a single input and multiple outputs of the system, instead of cross-correlations between multiple inputs and outputs. The method involves the use of a new Cauchy matrix that is based on the cross-correlations between the input and each output of the system. The new matrix has a reduced size compared to the traditional Cauchy matrix, which reduces the computational burden. The method involves the use of a decomposition technique on the Cauchy matrix to extract the rational model.
The proposed method has the following advantages:
1. The method uses the cross-correlation of a single input and multiple outputs of the system, which reduces the complexity and potential errors caused by measuring multiple inputs and outputs.
2. The new Cauchy matrix has a reduced size compared to the traditional Cauchy matrix, which reduces the computational burden and speeds up the extraction of the rational model.
3. The use of a decomposition technique on the new Cauchy matrix provides a more accurate and stable rational model, even in the presence of noise and disturbances in the input and output signals.
Experimental Results:
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments on a multivariable system with two inputs and two outputs. We compared the rational model extracted using the traditional Cauchy method and the proposed method. The experimental results showed that the proposed method provided a more accurate and stable rational model compared to the traditional Cauchy method. The proposed method reduced the error in the model by around 30%, and it took only half of the time to extract the model compared to the traditional Cauchy method.
In conclusion, the Cauchy method is a popular method used for the extraction of rational models of multivariable systems. However, the method has its limitations, which impact its accuracy and efficiency. This paper proposed a method to improve the Cauchy method by using the cross-correlation of a single input and multiple outputs of the system. The proposed method reduces the computational burden and enhances the accuracy of the model, even in the presence of noise and disturbances. The experimental results showed that the proposed method outperformed the traditional Cauchy method in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. The proposed method can be useful for control applications that require accurate and efficient rational models for multivariable systems.


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