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Zhengzhou University
金融一班 杨志祥
Hunan Province, located in the middle of China ,with the Yangtze River flowing by just in the covers an area of 211,800 square kilometers,and the population is about 69 million . The capital city is Changsha.
Hunan province
As a famous historical and cultural city in China, Changsha owns a lot of places of interests which have historical significance. The major scenic spots are the Yuelu Academy, the Han Tombs at Mawangdui, Hunan Provincial Museum and the Research Institute for Hunan Embroidery. Besides, there are picturesque Yuelu Mountain and Juzizhou etc.
Changsha is also known as an entertainment city .As we all know,the broadcasting and television industry in Hunan is developed very very good,and there are numerous audiences of Hunan TV station all over China.
Hunan TV Station
Dongting Lake
Dongting Lake, China’s second-largest freshwater lake, is located in northeast of Hunan Province. The beauty of Dongting Lake changes with season. Many ancient Chinese poems and stories were written about the beauty of Dongting Lake.
Yueyang Tower
The Yueyang Tower is an ancient architectural treasure which is located on the shores of Dongting Lake in Yueyang City. The Yueyang Pavilion is one of the four famous pavilions in south China.
Every body knows The Great Wall,but…….
You may not know The Southern Great Wall. It is located in Fenghuang.
The Southern Great Wall was built in Ming Dynasty, to against
the uprising of Miao(苗人起义) and maintain stability.