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文档介绍:This is what I need
Oxford English5A Module 1 Unit 3
Taiyuan Experimental Primary School
Zhao Li
Help me!
I need a / some ….
I have been on a small island alone for two weeks.
I feel very hungry and thirsty.
I need some food and drinks so much.
It’s getting colder and colder.
I need a tent to live in.
I need some clothes to keep warm.
I also need some matches to make a fire at night.
“Please give me some food.
Please give me some water .”Mr. G asks.
Suddenly some bread, some ham and
some water are falling down from the sky.
“They are very nice. I like my big dinner.”
Mr. G eats up and drinks up.
I’ve got some food and water.
I am not hungry and thirsty.
But I am still unhappy.
Because I feel lonely,
I need a friend and a family.
Let’s circle
What does Mr. G need?
He needs a tent to live in.
He needs some matches to make a fire .
I have been on a small island alone for two weeks.
I feel very hungry and thirsty.
I need some food and drinks so much.
It’s getting colder and colder.
I need a tent to live in.
I need some clothes to keep warm.
I also need some matches to make a fire at night.
“Please give me some food.
Please give me some water .”Mr. G asks.
Suddenly some bread, some ham and some water
are falling down from the sky. “Oh, they are my big dinner.”
Mr. G eats up and drinks up.
I’ve got some food and water. I am not hungry and thirsty.
But I am still unhappy.
Because I feel lonely, I need a friend and a family.
-He needs some food,
because he feels hungry.
-He needs a tent to live in.
-Why does need all these things?
Let’s find


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