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西南石油大学教工区燃气工程设计 毕业论文.doc

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西南石油大学教工区燃气工程设计 毕业论文.doc

上传人:1136365664 2018/3/5 文件大小:1.55 MB


西南石油大学教工区燃气工程设计 毕业论文.doc



With the rapid development of city gas industry,the design of natural gas project is an indispensable part in the modern city. This paper based on the natural gas project of Southwest Petroleum University Staff Area to layout,calculation and research the natural gas pipeline in residential.
From a wide range of speaking, the design of garden, residential work, at first , based on design specifications, construction specifications, Fire Code, and the corresponding norms and manual; and bine the design with local geography, climate characteristics and the rules of the local panies. Taking the technical feasibility, economic reasonableness into account.
The graduation project is based on the national norms and standards of the city gas distribution. Through on-site spot survey, we designed the yard work, introduction of pipes, risers, the pipeline of the indoor; We used the AutoCAD software to draw the maps of area natural gas pipeline, indoor gas pipeline and gas pipeline system of the buildings; Through calculating the indoor garden and water work, the diameter of the mid-pressure and low pipeline can be designed; According to residents gas quantity to determine the models of voltage regulator, pleted the technical requirements of residential natural gas engineering description, statistic the corresponding equipment and the amount of material.
To ensure the design is reasonable, This article also describes the quality requirement


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