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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/5 文件大小:23 KB





文档介绍:In paragraph __, the author argues that ______. The reality, however, is quite a different story. If you want to know something uncertain, the most efficient thing you need to do is (to) turn on puter, input the key words. And almost at the same time, you can read the relevant information. Obviously, this process is very time-saving. Most websites are free to the public. Sharing information on the develops a good platform, doesn’t it? With the development of information technology, there are many specialized websites for academic research. You can find the latest and the most rigorous papers, which may be waiting for being published. In addition, with abundant resources and low cost, allows you to share something both educational and entertaining, which are difficult to find in reality.
In paragraph ___, it can be found that the author holds a pessimistic attitudes towards education. As he believes that the cost to access the would prevent some people from learning online. But the reality is that those costs just
account for a small portion of people’s living expenses. In addition, along with ’s developing, learning online will be cheaper and cheaper. The author also emphasizes the technology barrier. Against his argument that not every person has the skills to navigate the Web in any but the most superficial way, computer has e so friendly that most people can handle it