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文档介绍:Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that pletes the sentence, or that is nearest in meaning to the expressions underlined.
1. Usually a statute provides a clear answer to the problems.
A. a judicial decision B. a just solution to a problem
C. a law D. the goal of lawyers and judges
2. Where America technological know-how and marketing power once dominated world markets, Americans now find themselves jockeying for business amid a throng of muscular new rivals.
A. riding B. vying C. negotiating D. playing
3. However, so far, the markets have been impressed by Greenspan's deft moves in inflation busting.
A. warning or protecting B. discouraging or upsetting
C. breaking or taming D. curbing or curtailing
4. The old-style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College, where Dr. Charles Eliot, a young captain of thirty-five, son of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the progressive forces.
A. stronghold B. headquarters C. center D. base
5. In many institutions, every student is armed with a puter along with an e-mail account, which ensures him full access to the academic milieu, because each college or university is hooked up and logged on to an international on-line service.
A. scene B. standard C. advantage D. ess
6. But that raises concerns