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文档介绍:Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?
Ⅱ.基础达标测试: 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。
The rain opened the windows to let f_______ air in.
---Excuse me. Do you know where I can e__________ money?
---Sure. Take the e_________ to the 9th floor. It’s next to the bookstore.
I’m sorry to t________ you, but could you please tell me how to get to the post office?
In order not to o________ people,learning about etiquette is very important.
I w________ if you can help me with my English.
All living things d________ on the sun for their growth.
The head teacher and her s______are all on the playground.
The c______ in the play make people laugh happily.
out with sb 和某人闲荡 slides 水滑道 in 上交
up (as) 装扮get dressed 穿衣服 dress oneself 给自己穿衣服
store 药店/书店 furniture store家具店department store 百货商场 air /milk/meat新鲜空气/牛奶/肉 uncrowded/crowded不拥挤的/拥挤
sb sth=lend sth to sb borrow sth from sb 向sb 借sth
wonder 难怪 10. offend sb 冒犯sb
11.(n.)trouble=problem/matter/difficulty 问题 What’s the trouble? 有什么问题?
have some trouble (in) doing sth 有困难做某事 get into trouble with sb 与某人发生冲突(v.)trouble sb to do sth麻烦sb 12. hand out=give out 分发
Center Street 在中心街 on Main Street 在主要街道 money存钱
past the bank=pass the bank /+n. e by=go by (不及物) 经过
the left/right(of) 在…的左边/右边 the second floor 在二楼 …and…在…之间 next to 在…旁边 in front of 在…前面(外部)
in the front of 在…前面(内部) across from 在…对面
out of the front door走前门20. turn right onto Oak Street向右转拐进橡树街
about three blocks 走大约3个街区 a vacation度假
world’s largest water slide 世界最大的水滑道
…and……与…都(两者都) dance lessons 上舞蹈课 money换零钱 27. take the escalator to the second floor乘电梯去二楼
straight ahead一直往前go up/down向下/上走29. at the corner of在…的角落 30. ask for information/help寻求信息/帮助 31. make requests 提出请求
32 sound rude 听起来粗鲁 33. change the way we


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