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第3章 网络营销计划.ppt



Patrick Geddes and the City of Life
volker m. welter
foreword by
iain boyd whyte
Patrick Geddes and the City of Life
volker m. welter
The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England
© 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording,
or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from
the publisher.
This book was set in Monotype Bell and Adobe Copperplate Gothic by
position, Inc. and was printed and bound in the United States
of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Welter, Volker.
Biopolis : Patrick Geddes and the city of life / Volker M. Welter.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-262-23211-1 (hc. : alk. paper)
1. Geddes, Patrick, Sir, 1854–1932. 2. City planners––Great
Britain–Biography. 3. City planning––Great Britain––History. 4. City
planning––Philosophy. I. Title.
W45 2001
[B] 00-054820
for Elisabeth &
Werner Welter
List of Illustrations viii
List of Tables xiii
Contents Acknowledgments xiv
Foreword by Iain Boyd Whyte xvi
Introduction 1
1“Angling for Cities!” 6
The Scientist of Life 9
The Economics of Nature 13
The Economics of Cities 16
The Order of Cities 17
The Revolt against Reason 19
Toward a Larger Modernism 22
2Patrick Geddes’s Theory of the City 26
Victorian Britain and Historical Models 28
The Notation of Life 31
From Individual munal Psychology 40
Geddes’s Theory of the City: A Platonic Reading 46
3 The City and Geography 54
Town and Country 55
The Valley Section 60
Edinburgh and Its Region: A Northern Athens and Its Polis 66
The Region-City: A Step toward Conurbations and the World City 70
Regional and Universal 76
The Outlook Tower 78
4 The City in History 82
The City in eenth-Century Th