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6A 各单元教学反思.docx

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6A 各单元教学反思.docx

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6A 各单元教学反思.docx



1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 else
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What (else) did you do…? We/I…
3、Do Part C Ask and answer.
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 else
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What (else) did you do…? We/I…
Step 1 Free talk
What’s the date today?
What was the date yesterday?
What day is it today?
What day was it yesterday?
What do you usually do on Sundays?
Step 2 Revision
and say.
Revise: cook food collect eggs milk cows pick oranges
water flowers taste oranges pull up carrots
and act. 师生一起边说词组边做动作。
如:cook, cook, cook food;
milk, milk, milk cows;
pick, pick, pick oranges;
,T: What did we do a moment ago? We cooked food.
What else did we do?
S: We…
4 巩固练****br/>将下列单词按词尾发音进行归类
played, jumped, listened, visited, watched, needed
/d/ watered _______________________________
/t/ cooked ________________________________
/Id/ collected ______________________________
Step 3 Presentation
1. T: I cooked food yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
S: I ….
Teach: What did you do yesterday?
Drill: What did you do yesterday?
2. T: What else did you do?
Teach: else What else did you do?
3. Ask and answer
T: I wasn’t at home yesterday.
S: What did you do?
T: I visited my grandma.
S: What else did you do?
T: I did some shopping.
4. Do pair-work and act
I went to the farm yesterday.
I went to the park on Sunday.
Step 4 Ask and answer
at the pictures, ask and answer orally.
down the sentences.
1)watched cartoons, visited the zoo
2)watered a tree, pulled up carrots
3)collected eggs, picked some oranges
4)watched a film ,listened to music
5)played football (with my friends), milked cows
6)played volleyball (with my friends), cleaned the house
Step 5 作业布置
Part C Ask and answer.
Part C.
本课的主要内容是能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What (else) did you do…? We/I…在Free talk中先复****一般现在时和现在进行时的句型,为学****一般过去时作对比铺垫。在复****B部分词组的时候,利用游戏的形式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中开始英语学****调动学