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文档介绍:Haci the focus of marketing strategy
     Haci Group is a famous inventors, entrepreneurs, Mr. Guo Liwen in 1987 with a patent, twenty thousand loans to start-up to 1992 billion yuan output value, profits and taxes reaches 2,000 million, five years, output growth 500 times, taxes increased 1000 times, and have e members of the 82 units at home and abroad, science, industry and trade on the whole, cross-sectoral and trans-regional, world-renowned enterprise groups at home and abroad. The secret of its ess lies in its marketing strategy in order to "market" as the focus of operation of the market with "user" as the center.
Haci Group Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Guo Liwen said: "Enterprises in the eyes how much the market, enterprises have much benefit." This can also be said Haci a highly condensed summary of marketing. Haci Group is the awareness and use of rules of market economy, make full use of product (product), price (price), channel (place), marketing (promotion) of marketing "4P" combination, to determine the enterprise's marketing strategies, resulting in tide of market economy, competition handy miracle frequent. Concept in the marketing mix in the market, 4p refers to: Product (product) price (price) channel (place) promotional (promotion), 4p theory is the basis for marketing strategy.
The product portfolio includes products, entities, services, brandi


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