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文档介绍:Chapter 1
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The Field of Social Psychology: How We Think about and Interact with Others
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
The Field of Social Psychology
Social Psychology
A Working Definition
Its Cutting Edge
Research Methods
Quest for Knowledge and Rights of Individuals: Seeking a Balance
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
A Working Definition
Social Psychology: The scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior and thought in social situations
Scientific in nature and follows core values:
Accuracy, Objectivity, Skepticism, Open-Mindedness
Does not rely on personal experience, intuition, and “common sense” notions
Focuses on the behavior of individuals
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
A Working Definition
Seeks to understand the causes of social behavior and thought, which includes:
Actions and characteristics of others
Cognitive processes: Memories, inferences
Environmental variables
Cultural context
Biological factors
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
A Working Definition
Evolutionary Psychology: A new branch of psychology that seeks
to investigate the potential role of ic factors in various aspects of human behavior
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
A Working Definition
What are your thoughts?
Are the findings of social psychologists mon sense?
Why or why not?
What are examples of behaviors or situations that would be more likely studied by a social psychologist than by a sociologist?
What environmental, cultural, and biological factors may be of interest to social psychologists?
Copyright 2006, Allyn and Bacon
Its Cutting Edge
Recognizes that cognition and behavior ar


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