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文档介绍:abide 遵循(…by);容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying.
abnormal 反常的 abnormal behavior
abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度****俗等)abolish old custom
abrupt 突然的,意外的 an abrupt departure
absolute 纯粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb.
absorb 吸收,吸进 A sponge absorbs water.
abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.
abuse 滥用 abuse one's authority(office)
elerate 加速,增速 accelerate one’s steps
access 接近(或进入)的机会 have regular and immediate access to the President
modate 使适应,使符合一致 modate oneself to changed circumstances
pany 陪伴,伴随 She was panied to a dinner by her friend.
plish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等) plish one's purpose
accord 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words.
account 记述,叙述 give a brief account of what has happened
accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accumulate wisdom
accurate 准确的,精确的 an accurate estimate
accuse 指控,指责 They accused her publicly of stealing their books.
accustom 使****惯于 accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early
acquaint 使认识,使了解
activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动 They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed.
acute 尖锐的,敏锐的 an acute thinker
adapt (使)适应 adapt oneself to new conditions
address 演说 a television address
adhere 黏附,附着 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.
adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs
adjoin 贴近,与...毗邻 His house adjoins the lake.
administrate 掌管,料理...的事务 In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife.
adolescent (尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents
advance 使向前移动 advance a chessman
advantage 有利条件,优点 Sitting Presidents hold built-in advantages when seeking another term.
adverse 不友好的,敌对的 She felt adverse to her husband's friends.
advocate 拥护,提倡,主张 advocate self-defence
aesthetic 美学的,艺术的,审美 an aesthetic theory
affliliate 使隶属(或附属)于,使成为会员 a government pany
affirm 断言,申明 affirm the truth of a statement
aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化 aggr


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