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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/19 文件大小:68 KB





Passage Two
What's hot for 2007 among the very rich? A $ million diamond ring. A trip to Tanzania to hunt wild animals. Oh, and e inequality,
Sure, some leftish billionaires like e Soros have been railing against e inequality for years. But increasingly, centrist and right-wing billionaires are starting to worry about e inequality and the fate of the middle class.
In December, Mortimer Zuckerman wrote a column in . News & World Report, which he owns. "Our nation's core bargain with the middle class is disintegrating," lamented (哀叹) the 117th-riehest main in America. "Most of our economic gains have gone to people at the very top of the e ladder. Average e for a household of people of working age, by contrast, has fallen five years in a row." He noted that "Tens of millions of Americans live in fear that a major health problem can reduce them to bankruptcy."
Wilbur Ross Jr. has echoed Zuckerman's anger over the bitter struggles faced by middle-class Americans. "It's an outrage that any American's life expectancy should be shortened simply because pany they worked for went bankrupt and ended health-care coverage," said the former chairman of the International Steel Group.
What's happening? The very rich are just as trendy as you and I, and can be so when es to politics and policy. Given the recent change of control in Congress, the popularity of measur


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