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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/20 文件大小:700 KB





Part 1. Literature in 20th Century: A Bird-View
Historical Events Before the Second World War
First World War and the Second World War: Deteriorate the western value since the Renaissance
War in the representation of painters
的Historical Events after Second World War
The main countries involved in the cold war
Both sides of the Cold War hold strong hostility to each other
Historical Events after Second World War
The recovery of economy of the West:seek pleasure
London in 1960 is recovering from the war
Historical Events after Second World War
Civil Rights Movement: ask for equality and more rights for the social bottom
Civil Rights Movement in American in 1960s
Historical Events after Second World War
Feminist Movement
The May Storm
Anti-Colonist Movement
Historical Events after Second World War
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
The group of people who dismantle the Soviet Union
Trend of Thoughts after Second World War
Existentialism provoke the reflection upon Human’s existence
Trend of Thoughts after Second World War
Liberalism in British society sparks various kinds of liberation movement


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