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文档介绍:Debugging and maintenance of NC machine tool systems
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 09-C technology 3 Yang Xiaowei 095305333
Abstract: Find information and personal with practical laboratory experience to introduce a number C machine tool system debugging and maintenance methods, in order to better grasp C machine tools. And further numerical control technology, bination of theory and experiment, more in line with society's demands for highly skilled personnel to further enhance the practical skills of relevant personnel.
Keywords: CNC;debugging; Maintain
1 Introduction
As electronic technology and automation technology, digital technology more -based, large scale integrated circuit as a symbol C equipment, has e pany to ensure product quality and increase productivity of key equipment. At the same time, because of their advanced nature, complexity and characteristics of high intelligence, producers, managers and operators have put forward higher requirements. So master C missioning, system maintenance es a very necessary and important content.
C machine debugging
CNC machine is a technology-intensive mechanical and electrical integration of machine tools, assembled a manufacturer C machine tools, does it correctly and safely start, debugging is a crucial step. This step is correct or not is largely decided C machine tools, and can play a norm


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