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文档介绍:(2010广东,45) The policeman asked the boy ________
A. where is his mother B. where his mother is
C. where was his mother D. where his mother was
(2009深圳,11) –Could you tell me ________? He is wanted by the head teacher.
-Sorry , I’ve no idea. But he ________here just now.
A. where Tim was; was B. where is Tim; was
C. where Tim is;was D. where Tim is;is
(2010深圳,10)-Do you know ________buy the book Harry Potter?
-The book is ________popular that you can buy it at any bookshop.
A. where can I ;so B. where can I; such C. where I can; so D. where I can; such
(2009清远,40)Can you tell me ________?
A. when was puter invented B. when puter was invented
C. when is puter invented D. when puter is invented
(2009湛江,30)-Could you tell me ________?
A. when will the meeting begin B. when the meeting will begin
C. where the meeting begins D. where does the meeting begin
(2008茂名,35)I am not sure ________ we will visit you next Saturday.
A. whether B. that C. what
(2008广东,44)-We don’t know ________
-It is said that he was born in Canada
A. what he is B> when he was born C> where es from D. if he lives here
(2008茂名,37) We believe that Mary ________take the money at that time, though she was poor.
A. won’t B. wouldn’t C> is not going to
(2008广州,16)_ I hear we’ll have a new foreign teacher soon, Do you know when ________?
-Sorry, I have no time.
A. he e B. will e C