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China is an oriented country with five-thousand-year-old history, attracting tourists from all over the world. Covering an area of square kilometers, China has abundant tourism resources, boasting of spectacular natural sceneries and cultural relics. China’s tourism industry has undergone an unprecedented growth. According to World anization (WTO) forecast, China is set to e the world’s largest tourism destination and the fourth major source of tourists by , tourism has e a significant industry in the national economy.
After the opening-up and reform policy, China has received millions of foreign visitors who are attracted by China’s natural landscape and human culture. To help foreign tourists know China well and to make a good impression on them, mentaries, as a forcible medium, plays an irreplaceable role while the translation of them is of equal importance.
Tour is a municative activity between the translator and tourists and all kinds of munication have an inherent feature that is cooperation. The most famous and systematic notion of what linguistic cooperation mean is Grice’s description of some effects municative activities (Hickey, 2001). Many translators and scholars have contributed to the theory applying to the translation. Hicky(2001)said that the Gricean account is developed primarily with spoken conversation in mind, howev