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文档介绍:The Travels of Ibn Battuta
"I left Tangier,my birthplace,the 13th of June 1325 with the intention of making the pilgrimage [ to a]…… to leave all my friends both female and male,to abandon my home as birds abandon their nests." So begins an old manuscript in a library in Paris—the travel journal of Ibn Battuta.
Almost two centuries before Columbus,this young an set off for a,returning home three decades later as one of history's great travelers. Driven by curiosity,he journeyed to ers of the Islamic world,traveling through 44 modem countries,three times as far as Marco Polo. Little celebrated in the West2,his name is well known among Arabs. In his hometown of Tangier,a square,a hotel,a cafe,a ferry boat,and even a hamburger are named after him.
Ibn Battuta stayed in a as a student for several years,but the urge to travel soon took over. In one adventure,he traveled to India seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of On the way,he described his group being attacked in the open country by 80 men on foot,and two horsemen:"we fought …… killing one of their horsemen and about twelve of the foot soldiers …。I was hit by an arrow and my horse by another,but God in his grace preserved me …… We carried the heads of the slain to the castle of Abu Bak,har …… and suspended them from the wall." In Delhi,the sultan gave him the position of judge,based on his prior study at a.


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