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Packet capturing (or packet sniffing) is the process of collecting all packets of data that pass through a work (或数据包嗅探)是收集数据,通过特定的网络接口将所有数据包的过程。 work packets in our applications is a powerful capability which lets us work monitoring, packet analyzers and security ,它可以让我们写网络监控,数据包分析器和安全工具。 The libpcap library for UNIX based systems and WinPcap for Windows are the most widely used packet capture drivers that provide API for low-work 。 Among the applications that use libpcap/WinPcap as its packet capture subsystem are the famous tcpdump and Wireshark .其中应用程序使用的libpcap / WinPcap的包捕获子系统为是著名的tcpdump的和Wireshark的。
In this article, we will introduce the SharpPcap .NET assembly (library) for interfacing with libpcap or winpcap from your .NET application and will give you a detailed programming tutorial on how to use ,我们将介绍SharpPcap 应用程序。)NET程序集(库接口与libpcap的或并会给你一个详细的方案编制教程教你如何使用。
Tamir Gal started the SharpPcap project around 。 He wanted to use WinPcap in a .NET application while working on his final project for 。 The project involved analyzing and decoding VoIP traffic and he wanted to keep coding simple with C# which has time saving features like garbage ,他想继续用C#编码具有省时,如垃圾收集功能简单。 Accessing the WinPcap API from .NET seemed to be quite a popular requirement, and he found some useful projects on CodeProject's website that let you do just that: WinPcap的API的访问似乎从净是相当流行的要求,他发现在CodeProject上的一些网站,让您做到这一点有益的项目。:
Packet Capture and Analyzer 数据包捕获和分析仪
Raw Socket Capturing Using C# 原始套接字捕获使用C#
Packet sniffing with winpcap functions ported to a .NET library 库
The first project is a great ethereal .NET clone that lets you capture and analyze numerous types of protocol ,让您获取和分析大量的数据包的协议类型。 However, a few issues with this project make it