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文档介绍:1. Introduction
Jane Austen was born in 1772 in a country of England. She grew up in the countryside, the people she contract most were the landlord and pastor. She likes to observe the quite fortable life of them. So she quite understood the middle class people’s life under the capitalism. In her books, we could not read any reflection of the serious social contradiction. She wrote about the civilian population’s daily life, point of views and thinking. Most of her works are humorous. She mon stories to reflect a scene of rural life which the die-hard of feudal still existed in the early bourgeois society. “She has described one's own little world in her world around truly with women's characterized outsight in every possible way, marriages and love disturbances especially among ladies and gentlemen”(ZhuLi, 2009:62)
Among Jane Austen’ works, marriage is the thematic. Compare to Jane Austen’s other works, Pride and Prejudice reflect her view on marriage clearly. Pride and Prejudice was published in January 1813, and it achieved a popularity that has endured to this day. It’s the novel which Austen likes most. And it’s also the most popular novel among her works.
In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen used her humorous way to describe the story about how single men choose their wife and how the single ladies and their mother choose their husband. Pride and Prejudice showing the


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