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上传人:aena45 2018/3/31 文件大小:75 KB





文档介绍:A rambling Trump rallies faithful, jabs rivals
- The extraordinary Donald-Trump-for-president roadshow careened into America's deep South Friday, as the abrasive tycoon railed once more against the political establishment but offered little policy substance in a rambling speech at an Alabama rally.
The billionaire real estate mogul has snatched the lion's share of the attention and support of Republican voters, using bative tone to lash out at other candidates with a coarseness rarely seen at the top tier of American campaigns.
And he has left his rivals flummoxed over how to contain the political brute now turning the presidential race on its head.
With more than five months before Iowa and New Hampshire cast the early votes in the party nominating process, Trump leads his 16 Republican rivals in polls across the board.
He is a wildly hyperbolic, hugely entertaining non-politician -- and his anti-establishment clarion call has quickly e the loudest voice in US politics.
It rang out in jarring fashion at a football stadium in Alabama, where several thousand fans gathered for Trump's latest iteration of a stump speech.
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets supporters after his rally at Ladd-Peebles Sta …
Patriotically donning a red baseball cap, white shirt and blue blazer, Trump lashed out at America's existing immigration system, in parti