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文档介绍:Engineering drawing and reading (high technical specialty) phase assignments and answers
Engineering drawing and reading (high technical special) phase assignment 1
Multiple choice
The size of the design includes _____ (5 points)
(A) the size limit
(B) size line
(C) the size start-stop sign
A, B, C, D
There are three ways of drawing engineering drawings, _____ (5)
(A) drawing by hand
(B) gauge drawing
(C) computer graphics
(D) the sketch
A, B, C
In the course of drawing, the tools that may be used are _____ (5 points)
(A) t
Curve board
(C) tape measure
(D) three edges
A, B, D
The role of the divider is _____ (5)
(A) draw the line segment
(B) take the line segment
(C) equal segments
(D) draw circles and arcs
B, C
True or false
When a line or plane is parallel to the projector, its projection reflects real or real form, which shows the reality of the projection. (5 points)
Correct the error
Answer: correct
Their thinking:
The positive projection is equal to the length of the horizontal projection. The positive projection is the same height as the lateral projection. The horizontal projection is equal to the width of the lateral projection. That is, "long pair of positive, high level, width equal". (5 points)
Correct the error
Answer: correct
Their thinking:
As you can see from the diagram below, line AB is parallel to CD. (5 points)
Correct the error
Answer: correct
Their thinking:
As you can see from the diagram below, line AB and CD are parallel to each other. (5 points)
Correct the error
Their thinking:
We know that the point A is (10, 15, 8), and the point B is (15, 5, 12), and A is at the top of B. (5 points)
Correct the error
Their thinking:
According to the relative position of the line AB and the projection surface, the AB is the positive parallel line. (5 points)
Correct the error
Answer: correct
Their thinking:
As is shown in the figure, it is correct to judge the


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