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文档介绍:Unit 1 Playing sports
Topic1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section A
1、what are you gonging to do? 你要做什么?
2、I’m going to play 。
3、I often saw you play basketball during the summer 。
4、We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on 。
have a game against Class Three和三班打比赛
5、Would you like e and cheer us on?你会来为我们加油吗?
cheer sb on 为某人加油
7、Which sport do you prefer ,swimming or rowing? I prefer ?我更喜欢划船。
prefer doing sth更喜欢做某事
8、Do you row much? Yes ,quite a lot / No, ?是的,常划/不,很少
quite a lot表示经常
9、Are you going to join the school rowing team?你要参加学校的划船队吗?
Section B
10、 what’s your favorite sports ,Marla? Basketball, of ,你喜欢什么运动?当然是篮球。
11、 who’s your favorite player?你最喜欢的运动员是谁?
12、I like Yao Ming 。
13、 He’s meters 。
14、 He played for the Houston Rockrts in the 。play for效力于
15、 I’m going to be a basketball player like 。
16、 What are you going to be when you grow up ?你长大了要做什么?
grow up长大
17、 I am going to be a 。
18、 It’s his ‘
19、 in the future 在将来
Section C
20、She goes cycling twice a week and often goes mountain climbing on ,而且经常在星期天的时候去爬山。
go cycling 去骑车 twice a week 一周两次
go mountain climbing 去爬山on Sunday 在周日
21、She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every
spend …on sth在某事上话费时间或金钱
spend…doing sth话费时间或金钱做某事
half an hour 半小时 every day 每天
22、she plays it very 。
23、She is also good at 。
be good at / do well in 擅长,在某方面做的好
24、There is going to be a school sports meet next 。
there is going to be 将要 a school sports meet 学校运动会
next weekend 下周末
25、She is going to take part in the high jump and long 。
take part in 参加 the high jump 跳高 the long jump 跳远
26、which sport do you like best?你最喜欢什么运动?
27、when and wh


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