.freel valproate;VPA)对白血病细胞HL-60的增殖、凋亡和分化的影响,采用MTT法检测不同浓度的VPA对HL-60细胞增殖的作用;细胞化学染色法观察药物作用后细胞形态的变化;NBT还原实验结合形态学作为观测细胞分化指标;应用流式细胞术检测不同浓度药物作用后细胞周期的变化及凋亡细胞的比例。结果显示:VPA能明显抑制HL-60的增殖;经2 mmol/L VPA处理24-48小时后,HL-60出现胞浆空泡、核固缩、核碎裂及凋亡小体;Annexin %%;流式细胞术检测出明显的亚二倍体峰;%%,%%。 mmol/L Cell Line HL-60 by Sodium Valproate
Abstract To investigate the influence of sodium valproate (VPA) on proliferation,apoptosis and differentiation of HL-60 cell line,effect of VPA in various concentrations on proliferation of HL-60 cells sa staining ed to observe the morphologic changes of HL-60 cells;NBT experiment etry mol/L VPA,the cells exhibited nuclear shrinkage,pyknosis fragmentation and appearence of apoptosis bodies. The percentage of the annexin V+/PI- cells % to %;hypodiploid peak % to % and the cells in S phase decreased from % to %. After a mol/L VPA,the cells exhibited characteristics of differentiation. The percentage of NBT positive cells echanism needs to be further studied.
Key valproate;HL-60 cell;cell proliferation;cell apoptosis;cell differentiation
组蛋白脱乙酰基酶(histone deacetylase,HDAC)抑制剂在体外对于多种肿瘤细胞系有抑制细胞增殖、诱导凋亡及分化的作用。HDAC抑制剂对肿瘤细胞有选择性细胞毒性,而对正常造血细胞无严重毒性,且与多种现有化疗药物有协同作用[1],在最近HDAC抑制剂已经开始I /II期临床试验。丙戊酸钠(sodium valproate,VPA)是治疗癫痫的一种传统药物,毒副作用较小。最近发现,其在药理学水平有着HDAC抑制剂的特征性作用,可诱导肿瘤细胞分化与凋亡[2]