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上传人:aibuaiwo1318 2018/4/15 文件大小:42 KB





Abstract: this paper mainly deals with pride and prejudice. It firstly explains the plot of the novel Pride and Prejudice, then focusing on this theme, it talks its reflection in the novel, its reasons related to the background and my views of this theme. Finally, es to the conclusion of handling pride and prejudice.
Key words: pride;prejudice;love;marriage;
Pride and Prejudice
姓名:沈萍学号:05031215 班级:05英本(7)班
During last summer vocation, I watched the film Pride and Prejudice of 2005 edition and the love between Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy drew most of my attention. But I couldn’t understand why it was named Pride and Prejudice at that time. After the beginning of our English literature course, I borrowed this novel and read it with the question” where was pride” and “where was prejudice”. And gradually I found although the main clue of this novel was love and marriage, the theme was pride and prejudice. That was, it mainly talked how the pride and prejudice came out, stimulated and vanished in the main characters’ love.
The Plot
Pride and Prejudice was the masterpiece of Jane Austen, one of the important English woman novelists. It mainly told the love story between Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Elizabeth had prejudice against Darcy, b


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