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上传人:ainibubian1313 2018/4/16 文件大小:24 KB





Introducing your work 
The study will begin by outlining... 
This study addresses a number of issues... 
Chapters X and X concentrate on... 
The following section sets out... 
...to examine the research problem in detail 
...to shed light on a number of problem areas in current theory 
The paper presented here is based in part on an earlier study 
Defining the scope of your study 
The focus of the study is... 
The central question to be examined in this paper is... 
The study is important for a number of reasons: 
Present understanding of...is limited. 
Many authors would agree that... 
Previous studies have shown or suggested that... 
The problem has been much discussed in recent literature. 
This approach has a number of advantages: firstly,... 
The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that... 
A fuller discussion of...will appear in a later publication. 
Arguing for and against 
This point is particularly relevant to... 
This es clear when one examines... 
This lends weight to the argument that... 
Support for this es from... 
To put it another way,... 
This raises the question whether... 
While it may well be valid that..., this study argues the importance of... 
This begs the question why...   
A serious drawback of this approach is... 
One of the prime failings of this theory or explanation is... 
Reviewing oth