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《女王》影评 苏伟.doc

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《女王》影评 苏伟.doc

上传人:mh900965 2018/4/17 文件大小:17 KB


《女王》影评 苏伟.doc



文档介绍:The queen: a sucking up to the British royal
The film was 1997 princess Diana died in Paris car crash with her boyfriend, British country distraught. The British royal family is so strongly to show people the feeling sorrow, especially the queen Elizabeth ii, she was even refused to attend the funeral, and Diana people in Baltimore fort manolo holiday palace walls. Public doubts on the British royal family, the royal credit sharply. Just the prime minister Tony Blair will face the rising royal mood, pressure is quite big, he must soon find the way, make the queen's relationship with harmony. Again.
I learned this film, it has obtained many festivals in the nomination, British royal curiosity prompted me to see. Queen Elizabeth ii is a relatively low even a mysterious character, and still happy living in the world, and it is the same biographies movies. But because the protagonist is still alive, and is the queen, so can reflect the objective historical writers, will play a big question mark. She got wind has died, and could not jump to disclose her again with the royal how not harmonious. The movie is good to beat his painted the royal psychological obstacles, to the British people sacrificed their feelings, buried their discontent. A look at the big picture of royal image.
I think there will be headed by Mr Blair's with royal conservative reform will have a mo