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自评 A Self-Evaluation.ppt

上传人:bai1968104 2018/4/22 文件大小:58 KB


自评 A Self-Evaluation.ppt



文档介绍:II. Practical Writing
A Self-Evaluation
Writing—Practical Writing
I, Wang Wei, majored in English and graduated with a BA degree from the Department of Foreign Languages of Shandong University in 2004. After graduation, I was assigned to work in the Department of Reception of Qingdao Municipal Foreign Affairs Office. For my conscientious work, I was sent to Japan to study Japanese at Kaochi University. I returned home in 2006. Now I can proficiently use both English
and Japanese in my daily work.
Writing—Practical Writing
Since 2004, I have received over 50 foreign ing to Qingdao for investments, inspections on education and culture, and tours. During these receptions, mostly I acted as an interpreter for the city leaders. Apart from the
affairs of reception, I have made great achievements in secretarial and administrative
work. Though the work for which I am responsible not only involves many departments
but it is also policy-intensive, I engage well in it
Writing—Practical Writing
because I am quite familiar with the circulation of it, and have a good knowledge of relative policies and the ability to independently solve problems. In order to improve my professi