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本工程是皓明园小区 56#住宅楼工程,工程结构为砖混结构,建筑为 5 层,标准层高 米,屋面为平屋顶,最高处 米。外围轴线最长 米,宽最长 米,建筑面积 平方米。各层楼地面均为现浇混凝土。其中砌体施工质量等级为 B 级以上等级。结构安全等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为 7 度。本设计是编制皓明园小区住宅楼的投标书,包括商务标和技术标。商务标中首先算出工程量,然后按清单计价,再根据政府有关规定和本公司的实际情况取费得出本工程土建部分的工程总造价;技术标按照技术标书内容结合工程实际情况和本公司此类结构工程相关经验编写,按照技术标书标准格式内容,以实际施工顺序安排本文内容,主要先介绍本工程概况,施工管理人员配备,施工准备这些开工前的准备,然后说明工程建设过程中要采取的保证工程质量和进度的相关措施,最后绘制本工程的施工进度图和总平面图。关键词:商务标;技术标,工程总造价;施工准备,工程施工保证措施;施工进度
This project was the garden district Hao 56 # residential houses, engineering structure ofBrick and concrete structure , for the six-storey building with mezzanine floor, meters high standards layer, the flattened roof and sloping part of flattened . External axis of the meters, meters wide longest, the building area of meters. Each floor were in-situ concrete floor. One masonry construction was quality and grade of B or above grade.,structural safety level for two earthquake intensity of seven degree of security. This design was the garden district Hao. residential building tenders, including the standard business and technical standard. Business Standard First calculate engineering, and then by consumption of fixed pricing, again according to the Government and the relevant provisions of pany's costs came from the actual situation of the civil engineering part of the total project cost, technical standard in accordance with the technical content of the tender works with the actual situation and pany of such relevant experience in the preparation of structural engineering, technical bids in accordance with the standard format, with actual construction order of this paper, introduced the first major project profiles, construction management staffing, preparation for the construction of these pre-construction preparations, and that the construction process to be taken in the guarantee project quality and progress of the relevant measures, the final


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