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--English Language Learning Strategies
I. Definitions
General Introduction
Within the study of strategies in second language learning, there co-exist two different terms: learner strategies and learning strategies. Some researchers prefer learner strategies, while other researchers
prefer learning strategies. Others like Ellis (1985, 1997) employ both terms. However, the disparity in using the term does not suggest that researchers of strategies hold to totally different views. Actually, the two terms have much mon, and in most cases, they can be used interchangeably.
2. Early Studies on Language Learning Strategies
In the early 1970s’, due to the fact that the research of FLT methods made little progress, while great achievements were made in cognitive psychology, the focus of FLT research was shifted from “how to teach” to “how to learn”. To resolve the problem of how to learn, research of the learner himself is a must, . the study of the universal rule governing the learner’s L2 learning process and the influence of learner’s personal characters/ features on L2 learning process and learning effect. An important part of learner’s research is the study of the features of essful language learners
Such research led to the study of language learning strategies. The earliest researchers on language learning strategies include Rubin (1975), Naiman et al. (1978), Wong-Fillmore (1976) and Stern (1975). The most representative researches are listed below:
Rubin’s Research
J. Rubin is one of the most influential researchers who studied language learning strategies. Shee observed the language learning behaviors of good language learners, and questioned them about their learning strategies. In 1975, Rubin published her classic paper entitled “What the ‘good language learner’ can teach us”. Rusbin’s
concluded that a good language learner’s psychological features and their learning strategies have so much mon, which include: (1) psychological features, such


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