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The design of Hunan province Longshan to Yongshun two road sections in the preliminary design, the basin, basin surrounded by mountains surrounded by, its elevation in 400~600 meters between. The two stage highway begins to pile No. K4+000, end pile No. K7+ main technical indexes for highway roadbed width , a two-way dual carriageway, without the central dividing strip. The design of the speed60km/h. This design is the two highway preliminary design, first carried out the study on topographical map, in a familiar terrain map, access to the local topography and geology, hydrology and climate conditions. The initial formulation of the two route alternatives, parison of technical indicators and the actual engineering situation, the final choice of relatively suitable scheme. In the course of graphic design, proceed with the longitudinal design, cross-sectional design, roadbed design, roadbed design plete, start a pavement design, considering the actual situation of the project, finally decided to take the road design of cement concrete pavement. In the design of roadbed and road surface pleted, a retaining wall and drainage and protection design. The retaining wall is used in gravity retaining wall, drainage and protection design for the side ditch drainage ditches and drainage design. After conducting a culvert and the intersection of the plane of the preliminary design, the route need to construct two culverts, using pipe culvert form,Intersection using overlay corner . At the end of the project b


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