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文档介绍:construction waste management
Section One: Summary
Enter into the new century, how to solve the contradiction between increasingly pressing human resources, environment and industrialization and cities economic. ing of international environmental, advance the continuing development of green buildings in the construction and usage of building. 进入新世纪,如何解决日益紧迫的人口资源,,在建筑的建造和使用过程中,推进绿色建筑和建筑的可持续发展。
GE Campus Phase II project participate the green building evaluation by American 《energy and environment design lead LEEDTM》. LEED system is a big and system distinct evaluating system. The process brevity and clarity, has the high technical, it’s a quantizing examine process, refer to the whole process of design, construct, product, use and dismantle the project. Mainly from continuing construct yield, water usage, building saving and atmosphere, source and material, interior air quality etc. to examine the building and evaluate the influence to environment. The project target for GE Campus phase II include: decrease the waste and meet the evaluate standard of American green mittee. Especially, acc. to the requirement of evaluate standard 2, the project should reduce at least 50%, target 75%(countered by weight) dismantling and construction waste. The waste should be reused, reselected or recovered by local pany.
通用电气办公园区二期项目参与了美国《能源与环境设计先导LEEDTM》对绿色建筑的评定。LEEDTM体系是一个较为庞大而系统分明的评估体系。其过程简洁透明,技术含量高,是一个量化的考核过程,涉及到设计、施工、生产、使用、拆除一个项目的全过程。主要从可持续建筑场地;水资源利用建筑节能与大气,资源与材料,室内空气质量几个方面对建筑进行综合考察、评判其对环境的影响。通用电气办公园区二期项目制定的项目目标中包括:尽可能少地产生废弃物,满足美国绿色建筑委员会LEED-NCTM 绿色建筑评分系统的要求。特别是,根据LEEDTM 绿色建筑评分系统材料与资源评分条件2的要求,通用电气办公园区二期项目减少至少50%,目标75%(以重量计)的拆除和施工废弃物填埋量。在拆除和施工过程中不可避免产生的废弃物应该通过本地和地区相关公司、组织和机构进行再利用、重选利用或回收利用。
Acc. to LEEDTM standard, the evaluate to green building required to improve the building environment and economic character, and continuing development principle. Adopt the method that could reduce the waste by work mistake, bad pla


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