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GO DEEP FLAG FOOTBALL - QuickScores.com.doc

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GO DEEP FLAG FOOTBALL - QuickScores.com.doc

上传人:1136365664 2018/5/2 文件大小:92 KB


GO DEEP FLAG FOOTBALL - QuickScores.com.doc



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Managers shall see that all players are familiar with the following rules and regulations. All provisions in the Go Deep flag football rules and Code of Conduct regarding
behavior and actions of players, managers, and coaches apply to the entire playing area
before, during, and after the games.
Since players in flag football are not permitted to wear protective equipment, it is essential that necessary safety rules be followed at all times without exception. It is essential for all players to enter the game with the attitude that this is a recreational activity.
Current . (National Intramural Recreation Sports Association) rules will apply to all situations not specifically covered by the Go Deep league rules STATED.
CONTACT BLOCKING RULES WILL APPLY, otherwise . rules apply.
TEAM ROSTERS: All players must register and sign the roster for the Go Deep Flag
Football League. All team managers need to turn in pleted team roster before their first league game. Teams not having rosters in before the 1st game will be dropped from the league. After the 4th game, no roster changes can be made.
PLAYER PROTESTS: Following a protest of player eligibility, failure to produce ID
within ten minutes from the conclusion of the game shall result in a FORFEIT of the game in question. The player(s) shall be prohibited from further participation until ID is
presented. NOTE: You must protest a player’s eligibility before he/she participates in their second play from scrimmage.
PLAYER MISCONDUCT: If a player is ejected from a game regardless of at what point,
they are suspended from participation in the next scheduled game. Ejection from a game
can result in one or more game suspension depending on the severity of the incident. If a
player is ejected you must have a legal substitute or the game is a forfeit.
EJECTIONS for fighting will result in the suspension of those players involved in
the fight for the rem


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