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The Cape Cod 科德角.ppt

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The Cape Cod 科德角.ppt

上传人:zbfc1172 2015/5/28 文件大小:0 KB


The Cape Cod 科德角.ppt



Cape Cod is not a fish called cod .It is a part of the coastline sticking out into the big rough-and-tumble Atlantic Ocean which called cape. All of Cape Cop was bulldozed(削平)here by a giant glacier which covered most of the Northeast with about a mile thick.
Traveling in the Cape Cod is a very pleasant thing. The peninsula(半岛) is made up in large part of sand, so often can see the large sand into the sea, in this latitude is probably the one and only. Sandy land interspersed(点缀) with patches of wormwood and high tide will leave the sea, white grass sand water, it is very difficult to find such a great scenery. In some places the peninsula became very narrow, only two kilometers wide, East is the vast expanse(苍天) of the Atlantic, the west is the same side of Cape Cod Bay, as if walking on the path to heaven on the road, both sides is spectacular(壮阔) sea of clouds.
Activity in Cape Cop
Internationally acclaimed(国际著名的) beaches - and the Cape Cod National Seashore. Local whale watching is the finest in the world. Cape Cod has it all: rich Pilgrim (朝圣者)and Presidential history, incredible natural beauty, maritime(海事) history and cultural significance, working windmills(风车), kettle ponds, hiking trails, and cranberry bogs(漫月莓沼泽). The Cape and Islands' mild yet interesting climate provide a paradise for golfers, naturalists, and birdwatchers. The region has long been recogniz


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