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文档介绍:1 认真审题,看好提示(人称、时态、文体)
2 内容要点:
deliver letters clouds
rain heavily take off put --- on---
give a letter to a little girl
ride away to deliver letters shout
ran up to give me her raincoat
3 扩展要点成句子:
4 组句谋篇成文
deliver letters cloudy
rain heavily take off put--- on---
give a letter to a girl
ride away to deliver letters shout
ran up to --- give me her raincoat
I delivered letters. It was cloudy in the sky.
I was on my way to deliver letters when I noticed dark
clouds gathering in the sky.
It rained heavily. I took off my coat. I put it on the letters.
It rained heavily. I took off my coat and covered the letters
with it.
I handed a letter to a little girl
I hurriedly continued to deliver letters. I heard the girl
shouting behind, “Wait a minute, Uncle!”
The girl ran up to me and gave me her raincoat.
I was on my way to deliver letters when I noticed dark
clouds gathering in the sky.
It rained heavily. I took off my coat and covered the letters
with it.
I handed a letter to a little girl
I hurriedly continued to deliver letters. I heard the girl
shouting behind, “Wait a minute, Uncle!”
The girl ran up to me and gave me her raincoat.
This morning,
Before long,
Without hesitation,
, I was wet though.
Without saying anything,
To my surprise
Looking at the raincoat, I felt warm at heart.
Saturday, April 17 Rainy
I had an ettable experience today.
This morning, I was on my way to deliver letters ________ I noticed dark clouds __________ in the sky. _____________, I took off my jacket and covered the letters with it. _________________, it started to rain.
When I came to a new address and handed a letter to a little girl ____ a raincoat, I was wet through. _______ saying anything, I hurriedly continued my journey. ____________ I heard the girl shouting behind,“Wait a minute, Uncle!” I stopped and turned round. _________________, the girl ran up and handed me her own raincoat, ________, “Take this to keep off the rain.”


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