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一年级开学第一课 学生行为规范[1]PPT培训课件.ppt

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一年级开学第一课 学生行为规范[1]PPT培训课件.ppt



七年级下册 Units 1~3
(45分钟 100分)
1. (2013·杭州中考)—Pauline has lost her phone.
—No. It’s in her bag. I hear it.
A. must B. can C. may D. shall
2. —I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can’t go to your party tonight.
—Never mind. Maybe day.
A. other B. the other C. others D. another
3. My is keeping pets. I am in dogs.
A. interest; interested B. interests; interested
C. interest; interesting D. interests; interesting
4. My sister is . She likes making friends with others.
A. shy B. quiet C. athletic D. outgoing
5. —What do you think of the boys’ painting?
—I think Bob did than the other two.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
6. The number of people in the village is about six .
A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of
7. When you leave the room, please remember to the TV.
A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up
8. Before we eat a banana, we usually it first.
A. cut B. peel C. pour D. drink
9. I like to listen to music when I’m stressed out. It can always make me__________
A. feel B. feeling C. felt D. to feel
10. We lost the match because they had players. They had eleven and we had only nine!
A. stronger B. younger C. fewer D. more
11. —Can you to my house this Sunday, Ann?
—I’d love to.
A. come into B. come up with C. come over D. come back
12. —What do you think of the two backpacks?
— of them are very nice.
A. Either B. Both C. Each D. All
13. Don’t people when they’re in trouble. Instead, you should give them a hand.
A. hear from B. go over C. laugh at D. look like
14. —What should I do to make fruit salad?
—First, peel some apples and bananas, then .
A. show up them B. make up them
C. turn them up D. cut them up
15. (2011·重庆中考)The more you smile, the you will feel.
A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily
阅读下面短文, 从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的