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关键词: 电动汽车;传动系;变速箱;匹配
With oil resources dwindling and environmental improvement, the development of electric vehicles is receiving increasing attention, in the past, pure electric vehicle for research mainly concentrated in the energy storage system, electric drive systems and control research and development strategy . However, in the motive power and other technical breakthroughs made effective before the ponents of the design parameters of the study is to improve the performance of electric vehicles, one of the important means. Transmission is important automotive ponents, a change in a wide range of size of vehicle speed and torque of the motor vehicle wheel size.
The design of a two-axis of the transmission block and the two lock ring synchronizer shift, the layout of the form of reducing the transmission of axial size, while ensuring the same block a few cases, to reduce the number of gears, so that transmission pact. The transmission of electric vehicles pared with ordinary transmission, its structure is different. Because of the rotary drive motor circuit can be controlled to achieve the transformation, so no bustion engine for electric vehicles in the automobile transmission and set up reverse reverse axis, simply the application of inversion to achieve the reversing motor traffic. Known parameters of the design of transmission of the block to determine the transmission ratio, the center moment, the modulus gear, pressure angle, to